by concerned in ny
Hi. I have been in contact with NYS dept of labor and still cant get a clear answer. I am freelancing, being on UI since Aug 2010. My freelance started in december 2010. Typically, I work a few days in a work-week and then get paid for those days (flat rate) a couple of WEEKS afterward. I HAVE been claiming UI benefits in weeks where I actully worked but didnt get paid and then NOT claiming in weeks I get paid but didnt actually work. What is the right thing to do? According to instructions on the online form, and NYS DOL, I check off “did not earn more than 405 EXCLUDING self-employment”. But from what I’m reading on this web site I’m still not sure I understand. Help is appreciated!
Tell me, what did you read on this website that has confused you?
What are you asking the NYSDOL about? Why are you asking them questions and what is it that is unclear to you.
Personally, from reading what you have to say .. I have a concern ..
1. I’m not sure if “freelancing” is actually self-employment or just per diem contract work that NY would consider “covered employment” vs. self employment.
It is necessary to define this to address your question.
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