by Anonymous
Well I am a semi truck driver and just recently, was called up and not to return to work. I’m sure that’s being fired. My brakes were cut by someone and as a result caused and accident on the highway. The police had me do like a test run with my semi truck and that’s how we found out that they were cut. If I just squeezed my break pads lightly then they worked but if I had to put alot of pressure, it didn’t work. That was the case when I had to brake and my brakes didn’t work. I was okay but the person I rearened and the person that was behind me in smaller cars were taken to the hospital. They didn’t die.
Hi Anonymous,
I’m going to assume .. based on some experience with trucking companies unemployment hearings, that they did conduct and investigation .. the trucking company that is or they are in the process of doing so.
Now, I’ll ask if you have ever been involved in any other accidents and if so, how many?
Did you receive a citation?
Who was responsible for the service of your tractor?
I’m assuming it was the tractor brakes.
And finally, any idea what or who might be responsible for your “cut brake lines”? That’s an allegation I’d think might carry some criminal intent on someone’s part.
You do realize, Anonymous that the employer will need to prove that the accident was caused by YOUR neglect .. after all, you are a professional driver.
There is not a simple yes or no answer. Either way the initial decision goes, the likelihood that either you or the employer will appeal .. is pretty good. The hearing will explore the facts to determine whether good cause for a discharge for misconduct existed.
It will be your job to bring up facts or present evidence which show the cause of the accident .. cut brakes lines .. were beyond your control, therefore, how could it be misconduct.
I’m sure an employer would focus more upon your failure to properly maintain your equipment.
What do you think?
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