Although I’m pretty sure I was fired for calling in sick too many times, I’m not 100% positive. No one has made any attempt to contact me, ask me for my uniform back, or anything, and the other employees and managers completely ignore me when I go shopping there. (I worked at a store.)
The last time I spoke to the manager (when I called in sick) he was extremely rude and intimidating. I really don’t want to speak with him again. In fact, I never want to go to the store again. In fact, I want my next job to be in any market other than retail, working for someone who is very soft-spoken who would not dare scream at anyone who was sick.
A friend told me that you can get unemployment simply for your boss’s failure to properly warn you of an impending termination. However, this is the same friend of mine who thought that Paris was the capital of Germany, so I’m not too sure how reliable of a source she is. I would discount it save for the fact that a few other people have also told me that a failure to communicate termination is grounds for getting unemployment. But I really don’t know and could use some advice…
Thank you,
P.S.(I am also maybe 75% sure that the REAL reason I was fired is because I got my hair-cut short and was no longer regarded as “pretty,” but I would never get anyone to admit that.)
Hi Annie,
Paris, Germany LOL. Do they still teach geography in school?
How do you know you were fired? Did anyone say “You’re fired”? My concern would be that the employer would say you were no longer employed because you abandoned your job .. that’s a voluntary quit.
Can you prove you were calling in because you were sick?
Actually your friend is partially right about being warned your job is in jeopardy .. especially for attendance issues.
It would have been nice to know what state you’re in .. just to gauge your odds because all state unemployment department have their own “personality” and rules.
The general advice to the “other party” is to be very careful about firing people for being sick.
Illness is a reason for not being at work that is “beyond our control” therefore it’s harder to sustain misconduct was present in the “final incident”.
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