I have been asked to work mandatory extended hours at least 10 hrs per day, to also work the last Saturday of each month and also be available to work on short notice the other Saturdays. I am salaried so I do not get paid OT. This would not be a problem if I did not have a 2 year old that I need to pick up from daycare.
I tried getting as much work as I can during the normal working hours (I hardly take my breaks) just so I can get as much as I can done for the past year. In spite of this, I was still constantly pressured to work extended hours to complete my projects. Basically, I am given 10 hrs worth of work everyday. Whenever I mention to my manager that the reason I am unable to complete a project is because I was working on a higher priority project, the standard answer was always to “work longer hours and Saturdays”. I am the only person who can pick up my daughter from daycare. I am constantly scolded and compared to other employees about not working extended hours that it is becoming very difficult for me to work.
The extended hours was not mentioned to me when I first got hired. I mentioned during my interview that I had a daughter but the subject about if working extended hours was never mentioned.
You didn’t tell me what state you are in .. so I can’t even direct you to further information .. if there is any.
Comments for being asked to work mandatory extended hours but cannot due to childcare issues?