by A.H.
Hi,Chris I was recently fired due to misconduct on June 10,2014… I was a store manager for a retail store.
On June 7 my ankle and foot was swollen due to sand flies or yellow flies which we have alot of down south.
I tried calling my District manager to let her know I needed to leave work because I could barely walk.
She never answered or called back. I also called around to stores looking for her.
So, I finally left with my store properly staffed.
On Monday I faxed her the payroll sheet stating that I had to left on Saturday and had to leave again on that Monday too, so I could go to the doctor…
Ok on that Monday she came by my store and my asst. Manager let her know what was going on again.
The district managed stated to my asst. store manager that she was going to fire me anyway due to a customer complaint. She asked my asst. Manager to be prepared to come in the next day which was a Tuesday.
My asst manager called me to let me know what was said. I got so disturbed and the distracted by this, I didn’t go to the doctor. The next day I had to do a double and my district manager came in. She was very rude and told me to call my asst.manager to come to work, so she did.
She pulled me to the back and said I was terminated due to a customer complaint.
I never had a customer complaints before. When I filed for unemployment it was denied the first time and it stated it was for leaving the workplace with out my District manager knowledge.
I appealed and was granted benefits. My hearing was Tuesday July 22 2014. My district manager did not join us. The hearing officer just asked me questions.
She ask if I had any write up or warnings. I said no, which was the truth.
My question is do I have a good chance in winning?
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