by Mark
(New York City, NY)
I was laid off from my job. currently collecting unemployment from NYS. moving back to parents house and would like to attend college (finish degree).
Answer for: Can I attend college while collecting unemployment in New York State?
Hi Mark,
A quick go to reference for this very question in any state including New York is the non-monetary chartbook at the Department of Labor – Employment and Training Administration. (Click the current year first and you’ll find it.)
You’re looking for the Table that’s labeled, “Treatment of Students”
It says that New York state disqualifies you while attending school.
However, when I know a state has their own interpretation resource, I think it’s wise to verify even the information that the federal government provides.
The NYDOL does have an unemployment benefit resource they call the Interpretation Index.
The index of unemployment decisions suggests to me that you will be disqualified if attendance at college interferes with your ability and availability (A&A issue) to accept fulltime work. You should read this as only you can decide for yourself if your attendance at college in New York State will create an A&A unemployment issue.