by Cindy
You have been helping my friend and I navigate through this unemployment maze and we appreciate your advice!
I have been on unemployment now for around three weeks and i have an offer(not job) of moving to Wisconsin (from Minn) will i still be able to get my unemployment If I move?
I feel I may have a better chance to get a job there-
Do I have to let them know,I don’t want to mess up my unemployment If they have specific rules for moving out of state! Please Let me know what you think!
Thanks Cindy!
Hi Cindy,
Yes, you need to let them know if your address changes.
If someone tells me they are moving, the first thing I check is the current year Nonmonetary chartbook at the USDOL. Use the search function and type in “Locality”.
You need to know if your specific state has a locality provision that might have some restrictions regarding moving.
If all looks good then go to your state’s website and find out what the process is for changing your address.
Be aware that in many states “moving” will raise an “able and available issue” and the state will feel compelled to investigate if you were able and available during your move.
They also have requirements that will probably require you to register for work with the state you move to and follow that states “job search requirements”.
You know what, I went to the MN website and I couldn’t find an FAQ or any reference to how you need to do that .. but I did run across the warning that is on almost all state websites now .. the warning about websites charging for unemployment information .. I understand their concern about warning people that they don’t have to pay to file .. but let’s face it .. if they explained the unemployment system thoroughly in the first place .. there would be no “market” for those websites. They don’t have a warning for employers about companies offering “services” who fight to keep you from getting benefits.
Sorry Cindy, for using your question to rant a bit:)