by Tram Nguyen
(San Diego, CA)
My work place is so stressful that I developed vertigo in December, it was subside for awhile and management fired another co-worker whom is over 50 years old like me. I work for this place for 2 years, since then I went through 3 managers and 4 resigned 2 got fired. It is a software company that stresses can come from angles: the clients, the programmers, the managers and unkind co-workers.
I was forced to have a on-call phone for every 4 weeks. Company doesn’t pay when I carry the phone for 1 week (I carry it from 5pm to 6am) I only get pay if the phone ring and I have to turn on my laptop at home. Also, company doesn’t pay internet nor holidays if I carry the phone.
My dizzy is so bad when I get to work, I just can’t handle the stress anymore. I have gone to H.R for 2 months, and nothing had accomplished. Please advise.
I live in San Diego, CA.
Tram Nguyen
Hi Tram,
Just from what you’ve told us here about your newly developed vertigo. My first question is have you been formally diagnosed by a doctor?
Veritgo is usually caused by an inner ear disorder. A catch-all term is Meniere’s Disease. It can be caused by a long list of underlying problems and it can become severe enough to actually become a disability.
If you have been trying to work with HR in regard to alleviating the stress that is aggravating this condition. I want to know what, if any, medical documentation you have provided to them and what their response has been.
Let me know and we’ll go from there.