by michelle
(eaton oh USA)
my employer moved me to a differnt shift, wich i clearly explained it would severly affect my home schedual, they said i would be put back on that shift they just wasnt sure when. they posted a job for the shift i wanted the week i was absent for berevement, and have put several other people on that shift in the mean time. well like i knew i have had to miss several days and i am out of attendace days and will probably end up being fired. i have been told that if i was to apply for unemployment that i would more than likely be denied. can you offer useful info to help??
Hi Michael,
No, because you didn’t offer me any info to work with.
If you are fired and don’t receive unemployment .. it’s because the state thinks your reasons for having attendance issues were of your own doing and misconduct.
I have answer plenty of questions already that explain when absenteeism might not be considered misconduct .. and not one of them is because your work schedule is interfering with your home schedule …
There is a need to examine what, specifically, in your home schedule is forcing you not to come to work. And then there is a need to find out if you informed the employer, specifically, as to why you couldn’t work that shift.