by L Welsh (Los Angeles, CA) I was denied benefits because I checked the box did not seek work under CA …
Involuntary quit couldnt go out of town overnight.
by Willam (NM Unemployment Appeals) Before hired I told the field supervisor, I was a single parent, …
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Just fired for poor job performance
by wfm dropout (OREGON) Just recently fired from whole foods market....due to work performance. I …
I quit due to medical reasons in Florida.
by Michael (Florida) Worked 18 months at an annual salary of $101,000. Got Laid off due to department …
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I was denied unemployment benefits because my employer told them I did not follow proper procedures when I gave notice to leave my employment.
by Sandie (Tennessee) I worked for this company for three years. My first year was at a different …
If you are employed but there is no work for you can you collect benefits in florida?
by Deborah Dodd (Lakeland, Florida) I'm still employed with my employer but there is no work right now …
I reported incorrect punch time which caused me to get paid overtime.
by Abdul (Philadelphia) I used my boss's logins to log in her time reporting website and clocked myself …
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If your job said in the termination letter they based their decision on termination because of my poor judgement.. Is this misconduct?? Can I still get benefits?
by Jenny (Wisconsin) Is poor judgment work related misconduct?Jenny,Poor judgment can be work related …
I was laid off. My employer tol the state I was fired for unauthorized use of the company credit card.
by Tanya Hammett (Warrenton, MO, USA) My last day of work was 9/30. I was called in on 10/7 and told due …
If you are fired for having to many points due to asking for time off,
by Rachel (Arlington, Washington, USA) If you are fired for having to many points due to asking for time …
Continue Reading about If you are fired for having to many points due to asking for time off,