I was fired after they tried to push me out and were asking me to give my 2wk notice. they state I didnt want to be there and that …
Denied partial unemployment in Kentucky due to not being available for work
by Miayua Conner (Paducah, Ky, McCracken) I live in the state of Kentucky. I have been working at Hardees …
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Dirty Employer Tricks
by Justin B. (Hamilton, OH) Just wanted to let everyone know of a dirty employer trick that is used to …
does being laid off less than two weeks prior to major surgery exempt you from job searches for the period of time you are unable to drive?
Since my employer knew I was having major surgery less than two weeks after the day they laid me off, is there an exemption from …
Elizabeth from Port Orange who was fired after 12 weeks
by Elizabeth Barken (Port Orange, FL) I was the medical receptionist who was fired after 12 weeks (84 …
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Employer never returned Request for Separation Information form
I quit my job with good cause, and have had my initial telephone interview. I feel that it went very well. I supplied a timeline …
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Employer Said They Would Not Protest And Need Help Choosing The Reason To Give Unemployment
(NH Unemployment Benefits) 1st of all "THANK YOU" for everything that you do everyday...you are one special lady …
Fired for being tardy. Denied unemployment, now I have an appeal hearing.
by Melissa (Orangvevale, Ca.) They have a rule that you can not be late by more than 5 mins. I have two …
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collecting unemployment
by A Friend (Kentucky) I live in Kentucky but work out of my home for a company in Florida. That company …
Employer and Temp agency reported that I quit or was a no call no show when they fired me and escorted me out of the building
by Jerkiepooh (Chicago, IL) I started unemployment at the beginning of the year and was actively looking …