I quit my job with good cause, and have had my initial telephone interview. I feel that it went very well. I supplied a timeline of events and provided details of incidents, and answered all of their questions very straightforward. My concern is this: My employer never responded to the Request for Separation Information form that he received from Unemployment. I know there is a small fine if you don’t send it back, which is not important, but I just wonder why he didn’t. Is this a good sign or a bad sign? I’m hoping good since this looks like he is not contesting anything. Thanks for hearing my question.
Sure would of been nice if you had told me what state we are talking about.
In some states .. not many, a failure by the employer to respond to requests for separation information without good cause .. results in a loss of any further protest or appeal rights.
It of course, is good for the claimant when the employer does not respond because there is nothing to rebut what you tell the state.
The downside of this scenario is that depending on the state .. an appeal of a determination allowing benefits is still possible and that means the potential for a hearing resulting from any appeal they file.
Then you not only have to worry about losing the benefits, but also the possibility of repaying the benefits you received up to that point.
If you did check the statutes for your state and noticed that a small fine might be incurred .. I would think that a loss of protest or appeal rights might also have been mentioned in the same area.
I’m moving this to the appeal questions since yours raises concerns about an appeal by the employer after being allowed benefits.
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