by tony
Hello, I live in pennsylvania. I was fired today for performance. We have a system where we are graded based on several metrics that have to meet an overall score. I have never been really consistent, I’ve missed my numbers more than I’ve made them. I worked in customer service that also involved sales, and I was never good at selling to customers. Let alone I worked at a bank and since the recession we no longer have all the products we are able to sell. I’ve been sick for over 2 weeks now, and my boss called me today, and conferenced her boss on the phone to terminate me. Will I be able to collect?
Hi Tony,
I can’t say yes or no. I will say it’s going to be an iffy proposition given that you are admitting here that your performance was choppy.
But you only offered one reason why you think the issues were not misconduct. You didn’t tell me what you did to try to attain the goals or what went on between you and the employer to help you attain the goals.
Poor performance is either because you have an inability to do the job even when you try to the best of your ability .. or your performance is seen as something entirely within your control .. or a choice not to perform.
Given that sometimes you did attain goals is what makes it iffy to me.
I would also be curious to know why the employer is firing you for performance after being gone two weeks .. seems strange and I would ask if you were on FMLA or have a serious health issue right now.
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