by Elisabeth
Florida Unemployment: The State’s Performance in my case.
OK, a story: I started receiving Florida Unemployment Benefits of $149/week on 9/30/09. On 10/23/09 I got a job with a very small number of hours per week, providing income of roughly $50/week. I reported the job and its weekly income on the fluidnow website, as required.
It is 12/29/09 and I have not received any Unemployment since 11/9/09 because they are “investigating” this job.
The given phone # for FL’s Unemployment office does NOT work: You cannot even leave a message (1-800-204-2418).
My local Unemployment office knows this, and has installed direct-dial in the office which makes it a bit more likely to get through. So I go there to call this number. Even there, I usually have to try several times, but I eventually get through.
I got through this way on 12/7/09 and 12/16/09, and was told both times to continue attempting to claim my weeks every day. I’ve done so, and have continued looking for work with more hours, or a second job for more pay.
The claim has NOT been denied, and I’ve been assured several times that benefits would back-pay when “they” complete “their investigation”. I don’t know who “they” is, but apparently “they” are not at this phone number.
I have gone from 11/9 to 12/29 with NO benefits at all, due to this “investigation” of a job which I’ve reported all along. I can’t pay my bills this month.
Note: They also don’t respond to emails!
So I’ll be visiting my local office again today. I can’t say I have a lot of hope at this point.
Hi Elisabeth,
Chris here. I have no idea what Florida is trying to do .. some pretty funky tactics if you as me, but just so everyone knows .. they don’t seem to take the “average citizen” seriously. I would not continue to wait for them to get a clue .. call the attorney general’s office, call the governor’s office and call your elected officials. Tell them what the AWI or Sticky fluidnow is doing.
From what you said .. there is absolutely no reason that benefits should have been stopped .. except maybe as a very poor excuse to not pay benefits.
They are not suppose to stop benefits unless they issue a determination in a “timely fashion” so you can appeal it.
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