by Gloria
(Brooksville, Florida)
My telephone appeal is scheduled for 2/24/09. I am in Florida. I quit due to inhospitable working conditions and retaliation from supervisor. I walked out. Can you help me with your opinion on what I need to be prepared with on my big day? – Thanks – GMS
Hi Gloria,
It would be a big help if I knew some details about case…like what the determination stated, what the employer told the state, whether the employer submitted documents (write-ups), what made you walk out…etc.
But I can give you some general information. If you have any type of documentation you want to use at the hearing that will support your contentions of intolerable working conditions and acts of retaliation….fax them to the attention of the hearing officer and send them to the address listed for the employer on the hearing notice. Documentation should also include anything you did to try to correct the situation prior to quitting. If you think someone would be helpful as a witness, get them lined up for the hearing by asking them to be your witness or subpoena them by following the instructions on the hearing notice. But do be very sure they will be helpful. And do read about Florida unemployment hearings here.
If you lack these things…know this:
Unlike the initial adjudication process by the claims representative who makes a limited attempt to gather information to issue a determination, the hearing is a really a “fact finder mission”. It is the job of the hearing officer to fully develop the facts and to preserve the record.
If you do not like the decision of the hearing officer, any further appeal will have to deal with errors of the hearing officer with regard to hearing procedures, which are also addressed in the statutes.
Gloria, most states require action on the part of the person that show they gave the employer the opportunity to resolve the situation. If you spoke to the manager, HR or any other authority in attempts to resolve the problem, this should be your focus. It is very often the case that your attempts to correct a situation…so you could continue working…create the good cause the state must find to allow payment of benefits.
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