My husband works for a company with an address in NJ, but the physical office where he reports to work is in PA. We are residents of PA. He pays the unemployment insurance to NJ, not to PA. Since he does not physically work in NJ, does that mean he wouldn’t be able to collect unemployment benefits from NJ, even though he’s been paying to NJ? I understand NJ’s criteria is that you either have to be a resident of NJ (which he’s not) or work in NJ (which he’s not, technically). And he hasn’t been paying anything to PA, nor has his company, despite the office located there, so I would think that even though he lives in PA, they’re not going to pay out the benefits. This company is going to go under and we’re worried.
He might have to pay something for unemployment insurance under rare circumstances in PA, but regular unemployment insurance in all states is primarily paid for by employers.
Where he lives will not prohibit him from collecting unemployment benefits. If NJ gives him problems .. he can absolutely file the claim through the St. of PA and they can act as the agent state for the liable state.