by Marisol
(Long Beach, CA USA)
My name is Marisol and I live in California. I am a single mom to a five year old and a 4 month old. I used to receive child support payments from my 5 year old’s father, but he became unemployed and is now in arrears. I filed for support for my newborn, but Child Support Services is taking MONTHS to serve him and I was told it might be up to 6 more months before I receive payments from him. I had saved my CA tax refund to pay for child care, but have recently run out. Daycare fees for both children add up to $1000 per month. My net income is $2530. I have to pay for rent, food, and credit card bills with that money. After paying bills, I have no money left for daycare. My current job is full time temporary and was supposed to end in June 2009, however, it was extended until September 2009. I can’t pay daycare for those 3 months. If I quit my job, can I still collect unemployment? Thanks.
Hi Marisol,
I do understand you are between a rock and a hard place.
But the very reason you want to quit would disqualify you .. California may allow benefits when a personally compelling circumstance is considered good cause, but your very reason for quitting would make you unable and unavailable for work because you would need to care for your children. You must be able and available for work in order to collect unemployment benefits.
Additionally, if you managed to get unemployment benefits .. you would probably be making less that you are now after childcare cost.
Personally compelling reasons always require the claimant to demonstrate that they sought all reasonable alternatives prior to quitting.
I suggest you read VQ 155 to learn more about your reason for quitting Domestic Circumstances. (opens in new window)