by Gracie
(Salinas CA)
My fiance is planning to go to a police academy in southern CA in april of 2011. In august of this year he lost his job. I only was working 30 hours a week at my job and we were not making enough with his unemployment and my small checks. We were not able to pay our rent luckly we had an understanding landlord, but our lease was almost up. Living in a small town there was no work for my fiance to find so we had a great opportunity to move close to where the police academy and therefore we did move. I gave my employer my two weeks notice with a letter of recognition. We moved because we had no choice, and I could not support myself working at my job. I applied for unemployment and was denied, their reason being because I quit my job. I have been looking for work, but have had no luck. Is there any chance that I could win my appeal?
Hi Gracie,
Since I have answered this question many times I just going to give you some links to the CA benefits determination guide so you and anyone else from CA can read what they say.
But you need a compelling REASON
I will say first before I give the next link, that given the information that seems to confine moving to follow a spouse or a “registered domestic partner” may stop some from reading further .. they should.
Married or marriage is “imminent”
But none of this relieves you of proving a burden that you either sought a way to keep the job or can prove there were no alternatives to seek to “preserve” the job.
And by the way .. those financial concerns you two had of maintaining two separate residences can also add weight to how compelling your reason was.
As always I add emphasis to the fact that the ability to prove anything becomes easier when you present documentation to weight your testimony.