I am an actress and I am working for a retail/ residential property as my “survival job.” I’ve been working steadily for this company for a year a half. Recently, I found a new agent and they’ve been sending me out on a lot of auditions which is great but I sometimes have to come in late for my shift or call out. My employer is aware of my situation and they have other actors as well working for them and they understand how that goes. I’m worried that they will let me go because my auditions are getting in the way of coming into work and I will not qualify for unemployment. If they fire me and I end up booking an acting job I want to know if I can file after the acting job is done so I can at least get something while I search for a new “survival” job. Secondly, if I am still employed with them and I book an acting job that requires me to travel and I take it but I don’t quit this job because I want to continue to work when I get back but they fire me will I be able to file for unemployment?
Good question. I think I know parts of the answer, but California has a whole section devoted to actors. Let me check it out .. I’ll come back and tell you what I think about your situation.
And just to verify, you are a union member .. correct?
Comments for I live in CA. If I quit a job and then find new work shortly after but the new job is an acting gig that only lasts for a few days can I then file for unemployment?
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