by Pat J
(Redlands, CA)
I was collecting unemployment benefits. I still had many weeks left of benefits. I was hired by a new employer. Suddenly, fired at no fault of my own in the first week. Received the 1 weeks pay by the employer. Later, honestly filled out that weeks claim form indicating I did work and was paid $xxx.xx for that week. Yes, I thought I had anew career. But, All I got was a weeks pay and i am worried that I might lose my many weeks of benefits I have from the claim i was collecting on that I worked at a company for 20 plus years and got screwed over. By taking that job and working 1 week did I screw myself? I cannot lie about money earned…Should I lose my 20 weeks for 1 week of pay? what is going to happen? Thanks,I hope you can advise me? what would you advise a buddy of yours?
Pat J.
The same thing I advise over and over about going back to “new work”.
Once you are approved for benefits, the ability to continue to collect those benefits, which are in fact based on the wages and the reason(s) surrounding the separation from that employment, become a moot point because restarting the benefits will force the UI department to look at the reason for the separation from the subsequent work to decide if you were AGAIN separated .. after a week of employment through “no fault of your own”.
So that’s what you have to look at and that’s what the unemployment department wants to know.
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