by Lee
(Hiddenite NC)
I worked as an asst manager at a retail clothing store. I worked for this store for more than 1 1/2 yrs at 3 different locations and never had any problems. The store I worked at when I got fired, I began working at in June of 2008 and for this new store manager, The store closed at 9:00 pm each night, We had a checklist of duties to perform each night and the checklist had to be signed. On the last night I worked, I forgot to sign the checklist although myself and another co-worker performed all the duties on the checklist. We were always in such a hurry to get everything done by 10:00 pm b/c the manager had left a note that if we were not done with the duties by 10:00 pm we had to work off the clock. Some nights the store would be in a mess after closing and there would be no way we could get everything done by 10:00 pm and I guess I forgot to sign the checklist b/c there was so much to do, That was the only time I forgot to sign the checklist. Was that really such a terrible thing that it warranted termination! Could the manager not have talked to me or written me up? This manager did not like me and was looking for any reason to fire me, A co-worker came to me about 2 weeks before I got fired and told me she overheard the mgr telling the other asst mgr that she was going to fire me, and sure enough she did, I thought employers were not supposed to discuss personnel issues about one employee with other employees, Also this manager left a handwritten note for the opening manager one night that she was sorry the store was in such a mess, they had just not had time to clean it up. I wonder if the checklist was signed that night even though the work was not done.
Hi Lee,
No prior warnings? You’ll probably get unemployment because a one time failure to sign the checklist does not rise to the level considered misconduct.
All the questions you ask are valid and are the reasons you’ll get unemployment.
The fact is that when you work for someone else your job security can be precarious when ther integrity of your boss is in doubt.
Comments for I was fired due to violation of co policy. NCGS 96-14 North Carolina.
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