by Betty B.
(Inglewood, CA, USA)
My daughter’s husband is in the U S Army, and live in Kentucky. my daughter has an at risk pregenancy and was put on bed rest by her doctor. Her husband is taking care of her but he was be depolyed to Iraq. They need someone to stay with my daughter and help her with her other two children, age 10 and 6.
Hi Betty,
Please see this page (opens in new window) of California’s determination guide. It discusses conditions that need to exist to be considered good cause for leaving.
This is a temporary condition which will pass when your daughter gives birth. If your employer is required to offer Family Medical Leave you should consider asking for this type of leave which if granted would allow protection of your job for up to 12 weeks. If at the end of the FML your daughter is still in the same condition you could then ask for a personal leave.
I suggest this may be a wise course of action to fulfill any requirement that may ask if the claimant pursued reasonable alternatives to quitting because if you do receive unemployment it won’t be while you are caring for your daughter and grandchildren if that prevents you from being able and available for work.