by Shena
(Orlando, FL, USA)
I was laid off from full-time employment in 5/08. I accepted a temp job in 9/08. I worked until Christmas ’08 and was laid off again and picked back up in January ’09. I quit 2 weeks later to live with relatives in another state because I could no longer afford my rent and would have been homeless. Now, I have been denied unemployment based on Section 443, FL statue. I know I left voluntarily but it was that or live in the streets! Do I have a leg to stand on here? Is it possible that the claim can be filed against the employer that laid me off in 5/08 rather than the temp agency?
Thanks for your help and the great website.
The reason they denied unemployment this time even though it’s the same benefit year is because you quit employment without good cause. Financial hardship .. is not good cause, unless possibly the employer made changes to the terms and conditions which made working for them financially unfeasible and wholly attributable to the change made by the employer.
An unemployment department is always going to look at the last separation from work, regardless of any past qualifying separation in the same benefit year.
Many people will ignore this little tidbit, but believe me .. checking on the last separation for qualifying .. or disqualifying merits has resulted in many an excessive overpayment of benefits determination .. which of course can be appealed.
To be allowed benefits again requires you to show why you voluntarily quit a job with good cause.
The reasoning might be related to suitable work in some temp job situations.
I hope I’ve given you some direction that will allow you to determine whether an unemployment appeal is worth your time.
You didn’t mention the name of the other state.
Comments for I’m filing an appeal and would like to know if there are any exceptions in the state of FL for quitting a temp job due to relocation and still receiving benefits?