by Anonymous
I missed two days of work do to strep throat and I couldn’t talk so those two days I didn’t call in..I even went to the doctor who gave me a note saying I had strep throat and couldn’t talk. So they said they fired me for no call no show but I do have a doctors note!
Hi Anonymous,
Too bad you didn’t call in…since you had the doctor’s note.
It is very doubtful you will receive unemployment because you didn’t call in. It’s not a discharge, but a voluntary quit by job abandonment when you no call/no show.
Calling off is a duty “reasonably owed the employer”.
Being sick and absent isn’t the rule violation, but the failure to notify the employer is your problem. It makes you the “moving party” (the one who ended the employment). So you would essentially need to provide a plausible reason for your failure to notify the employer you would not be in…that the state would buy. I don’t think not being able to talk would do it. But you never know. Losing this kind of case is what really pisses off employers.
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