by Josie
My son has been collecting unemployment. He got excited and hired for a job. He worked 2 days (3-4 hours) one week and the same the following week. he did report working and unemployment says they have no record of this an want to penalize him 5 weeks plus repaying. how can he prove if this reporting is all done on line. he even spoke to someone at unemployment that told him he would get partial payment both weeks. he wants to request a hearing but really has no proof
Hi Josie,
Here’s the first thing I wonder about.
Why doesn’t he have proof? Why would someone file a claim for continuing benefits online and not save or print their answers to the questions .. because you know the state has it ..
Don’t worry about the proof now .. request the hearing and worry about proof later.
Did he receive the full amount of benefits for those two weeks?
What is the reason for the denial .. it’s sounds like a voluntary quit disqualification.