by Mike
(Nassau County, NY)
Hello. I am currently receiving unemployment benefits and I have a question as to when to end my claim. If I was to receive a full time position can I continue to claim benefits until I receive my first paycheck? Most companies pay every two weeks and some, like my last job, pay only two times per month, the 15th and 30th. Then there is the question of the employer witholding the first check for payment after employment ends in the future. Even though I would be working I would not have any income during the period from hire until my first check and still would have all of the bills and payments as I did before but without any income whatsoever.
Any help you could give me would be GREATLY appreciated!
Hi Mike,
No, you cannot receive unemployment in a week you have worked full-time .. whether paid yet or not for that week. Unemployment benefits end when you start a full-time job. They may continue if you are only working partime.
The claim usually remains there able to be reopened through the end of your benefit year if for some reason the new job ends.
Collecting while working full-time is considered unemployment fraud.
Comments for New York – I’ve found a job, but want to know if I can
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