I quit my job in New York, filed for unemployment on-line. The section for filling out the reason for quitting kept timing out before I could complete it, so I checked the box that said to answer that part by mail. Received the form to fill out almost one week after that. It was dated 6/10. It stated to return the information either by mail or fax within 7 days. I received this in my mailbox on 6/15. I typed my response and faxed it in the early afternoon of 6/17. I also received 2 phone calls from NYS department of Labor late afternoon 6/18, but was away from my phone. They left no message, and I was unable to call back on that phone number as the message stated it was not valid.
Received a denial of benefits because I didn’t respond to the ‘why I quit’ questions before a determination was made. I called them and they said I would now have to file for a hearing.
Is there any way to get someone to just look at my file now, to avoid all of the expense, time, and lost money involved in a hearing?
Nope. You have to file an appeal. Make sure your appeal is on time and with the appeal fax the successful transmittal showing your response was timely. There will be a time delay .. no doubt, but there shouldn’t be too much expense involved. You should be able to handle this on your own.
They MIGHT review your appeal and fax proof and set aside that determination .. if you follow the procedures.