by brian
At my job we are supposed to be below a certain percentage. Three weeks a go I was written up for being above that percentage and they said that i need to get it down. Well since that meeting over the next three weeks I was not given enough work to fix my percentage and the percentage also relies on things which are completely out of my control like bad boxes, if a customer has any issue at all even if it is unrelated to you it falls on you as well. Also at the time I was discharged about 85-90 percent of the workforce was above the percentage that we are supposed to be at. They also let go of at least three other employees the same day. We also have been really slow at work and I don’t know if this is just there way of getting rid of employees to try and get away with not having to pay unemployment. At my meeting I took the suggestions from my supervisors and followed through, but my percentage still remained the same. I tried my hardest to fix the situation because I did not want to lose my job.
Hi Brian,
Have you filed for California Unemployment benefits?
If not, just stress the reasons that your inability to get below the “percentage” were beyond your control.
It’s important for employees to understand the difference between performance issues cause by neglect and performance issues caused by inability and factors beyond their control.
Sure, employers can fire anyone for any reason they want and then try to prove it was misconduct and they do, but ultimately it isn’t their fault an individual doesn’t get unemployment.
It’s our fault because we haven’t trained ourselves to protect ourselves from this “tactic”.
I’ve said it before .. and I’ll say it again .. employers who regularly discharge for performance issues that lack “culpability” on the part of an employee are playing an odds game.
Many people just don’t file for unemployment .. because they assume they can’t get it. They also don’t appeal to a hearing. Instead they throw their hands up in the air and think “what’s the use”.
If it had been me who had received the formal disciplines, there would not be one write-up in my personnel file that didn’t have my added comment written on it as to my reasons I thought the write-up was unfair due to the circumstances “out of my control”.
My opinion about maintaining a proper attitude as an employee includes thinking of the employer/employee relationship as a chess game and always includes keeping my eye on the END. This is exactly what employer do.
At the beginning of a job every single one of us should familiarize our self with the employer’s rules. It’s not just employees who break them .. so do employers and employer agents (managers, HR etc.)
I of course think I am a valuable employee and feel personally compelled to do the best job possible .. just like most people, but my job experience has taught me that most people are just grateful for the job and don’t understand that the processes employers put in place are basically there to protect employers.
They also don’t realize that they can and should “participate” in this process. The fact is, if you don’t .. you’re just a lamb .. who could be sent to slaughter at any moment.
Your own best advocate is you.
If you have been discharged for a Performance in California first see MC300 “Manner of Performing Work”
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