by amber
When they are calculating financial eligibility to open a new claim based on part time wages do they count all part time wages from base year or only the part time wages from the most recent job or part time wages only from the job that I was laid off from? I had 2 part time jobs in the base year: My BYE date is June 8. Job A I was laid off from in November 2009. Job B started in May 2010 and was my current employer when my BYE date came up in June 2010. There was not a qualifying separation from Job B I was still working there when my BYE date came up. But there was a qualifying separation from Job A I was laid off. Wages from Job A did not qualify me for a new state claim. Can they add wages from Job B where I was currently working in order to force a new claim and take me off of EUC. How can I collect unemployment from Job B when I am currently working there and they haven’t reduced my hours? Can it be shown that Job B wages should not be included to take me off of EUC?
Also if my BYE date is June 8 then what is the base year where they will determine my financial eligibility to see if I meet the requirement of 6x wbr to open a new state claim and take me off of EUC?
I can’t answer you because you failed to provide a very important piece of information.
If you want to talk about monetary qualifying formulas .. we absolutely .. must know what state you are dealing with.
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