I live in Kentucky and last year quit my job in October to go back to school and live off financial aid. My first semester went fine. However I had to reapply for financial aid for my second semester and was denied. Without financial aid or a job I cannot afford to go to school or support myself. Now I have been unable to go back to school or find a job since May. Do I qualify for unemployment?
I don’t think so. If you could take the time to look at the determination which denied your benefits last year, you will notice that to satisfy the disqaulification and become eligible to requalify for benefits you must return to work and ..
Work for ten weeks in covered employment and earn a minimum of wages equal to ten times whatever your weekly benefits amount would have been if eligible base upon that separation.
If you didn’t do that .. and then experience a separation from the new work which must also be a qualifying separation .. you’re out of luck.