by Cilly Murphy
(Houston, Texas)
Since Hurricane Ike, my job has moved to a new location. There are several locations in the city I reside, but the supervisor is unwilling to send me to a location in the city where I live. The commute is a little over two hours and I do not have reliable transportation to get there. Can I quit and receive unemployment?
Hi Cilly,
This is what Texas says on their website:
“If you quit your job for a good well-documented work-related or medical reason. TWC may rule good cause if the work situation would cause a person who truly wants to keep the job to leave it.
* Examples of possible good cause are unsafe working conditions or a significant change in hiring agreement, or not receiving payment for your work.”
A significant change in the hiring agreement sounds most like what you have said happened.
Texas is tough to get unemployment from. They have one of the lowest recipiency rates in the country. So, make every effort to “preserve the work”.
Have you documented your attempts to resolve the situation with your supervisor? If you haven’t, start now.
The fact is, that people in your situation will usually end up at an unemployment hearing whether you are given the benefits or denied. Employers, especially those that have a third party handle their unemployment, appeal any quitting.
If you do document with a written request to be transferred to a location in your hometown, be sure to mention the specific changes in the hiring agreement, you will be strengthening your position when you do apply for unemployment.
I would also suggest you go up the ladder to the next authority, if this is possible, explaining your dilemma and requesting a solution.
Documentation is so important when you will be the one to prove you had good cause. Many think it will be just enough to say what you did…not so.
The only person that can decide you have tried hard enough to stay employed…is you.
If you do quit and file for unemployment, let us know how it goes. I’m certain others need to know too, what TX decides.
Comments for Quitting and receiving Unemployment due to a change in the hiring agreement.