by Samantha
I quit my job because I have a medical condition involving my hands that is hard for me to do my current duties. I worked as a surgery assistant and need to constantly use my hands. The doctor didn’t specifically advise the need to my quit job, but due to the nature of my job it’s really hard for me to continue doing what I’m hired to do. I didn’t asks for LOA because I did try to preserve my job by temporarily doing office jobs, waited for almost 4 weeks since it’s not healing well and the move was just temporary I decided to quit…applied for unemployment was denied stated reason was that quitting is not due to a good cause (quit is not medically advise by the doctor). Should I appeal my case? And if ever how should I go about it?
Hi Samantha,
You really do need the medical documentation. But then you would still need to overcome the problem of not having it at the time you quit.
The big problem for you is that you quit while the employer was accommodating your restrictions and that you did not request the LOA.
California does have temporary disability UI. I’m not sure of what the requirements are, but there is a link to it on this page.