by Jennifer G.
(Toledo, OH)
A couple months back I was discharged from my part time job. I applied for unemployment and it was accepted. I received another part time job shortly after in which I was told I would receive 20 hours a week. I did not receive the 20 hours a week so I continued to apply for partial unemployment. I recently approached management about the reason I am not receiving my 20 hours an if I can be promised an increase in hours. My manager told me I would not go below 15 hours again. I still did not receive many hours and so I picked up a second job. Shortly after that I was approached by management at my first job and it was suggested that because I was so upset about my hours and then a week later I wasn’t that maybe we should “part ways”. I told them I would stay a couple days a week because I found another job but they still felt that it may be for the best. They were not mean about it but I felt that they wanted me gone. I chose to put in a 2 week notice rather than to be fired from the second job I have ever had. Now I am wondering if I can still receive partial benefits until I receive enough hours at my new job or will I be denied because I quit.
As mentioned before I approached management over this issue and it was not resolved.
Hi Jennifer,
It will depend on whether the state thinks you had good cause for quitting. Is there some specific reason you couldn’t have worked both jobs?
You’ve been a little vague about the reason you quit “rather than be fired from the second job.
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