(New York)
Hi Chris,
I recently had a job offer, but I have heard that there has been very quick high employee turnover and the potential boss can get rid of me the very next day. I have to fill in this refusal form for NY and at the same time, I wanted to be honest as much as possible. How can I be able to tell them that the work was unsuitable? I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks so much.
I take it, you might of been referred to this employer by the employment side of the NY unemployment department???
The problem, at least for me with this scenario is that you want to refuse a bona fide offer of work because you heard the company has high turnover and the person that will potentially be your boss, might just get rid of you the very next day.
I’d like to think if something like that happened to me, I’d also be prepared to rebut being fired was for a reason NOT misconduct.
This is not to say i don’t think your reason isn’t good personal cause to refuse a job, but I still think it sucks objectively speaking, in that your reason doesn’t offer potential, to me at least, as being a valid UI law reason to refuse the job offer.
I telling you this .. because of my own understanding of the criteria for finding good cause to refuse, as provided by the USDOL.
It’s possible, however, you may have more reasons for wanting to refuse that you didn’t mention. So, in an effort to help you find a reason to justify any refusal, so it doesn’t become the thing to destroy your continuing eligibility ..
Did you find the link on the UI law / resources page, to the NY Unemployment Laws Interpretation Services?
Other than this, I believe in preempting unemployment and employment troubles .. or to put it another way, there’s nothing like nipping a problem in the bud.
For instance, it is very sound advice to employees prospecting for a new job while collecting benefits, or not, to do their due diligence and research the pros and cons of a company .. before a job interview.
However, because I’m also cynical enough to know another value for the same research might be good reasons I don’t want to work for a particular employer .. or boss, why would I still use what I know, to do my best to ace the interview?
This seems preferable to me, as opposed to looking for a way through a UI’s refusal of suitable work hoop, after the fact, and all because they sent me a form to fill out .. which being me, I would assume would likely become part of a hearing record .. should I the claimant appeal the determination informing me of the stoppage of my benefits .. due to me refusing suitable work for good personal cause, but not any good cause coming even close to the criteria used to satisfy unemployment law.
Whether needing to be found eligible to collect, or to just pick up seamlessly where I left off last week claiming benefits .. I really know of only two ways for an employee, or an employer to come at potential unemployment problems. With foresight intended to avoid problems when possible, or from hindsight, where the map simply has fewer escape routes to explore.
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