I gave my boss a 2 week resignation letter. The next morning My boss called me and told me to come pick up personal
belongings today and he would pay me the two weeks from my vacation hours. When I arrive at my job nobody said anything to me except the receptionist as she had something to give me. When I did collect my belongs and turned my keys in I had a witness by my side for the entire time I was in the building. I say my boss as I was walking out the door I stopped and told him I collected my belongs and I had a witness with me the entire time I was in the building and I turned my keys into the maintenance manager (my boss not in his office).
When an Employee Gives a Two Week Notice and Employer Ignores the Date
Although it would be helpful to know in which state your voluntary quit occurred and for what reason you quit, which most people mention in a resignation letter, generally speaking, if an employer chooses to terminate the employment relationship upon receipt of a two week notice and pays the employee through to that date, or not, it should still be adjudicated by a state agency, as a voluntary quit.
Therefore, whether you can collect unemployment benefits, or not, is unknown to me, but still contingent on whether you can prove your burden to the department to show why the quit was with good cause attributable to the employer.
Proof of good cause, is what a state unemployment department expects from the moving party. Proof for the employer that you chose to quit, is your resignation letter, because at minimum, it states an intent to voluntary quit .. and regardless of whether the employer opted to end the relationship.
That you were paid for the two weeks, was simply a smart move by your employer. But that alone, isn’t enough to stop benefits, if you can meet your burden of shifting the fault (cause) to the employer for the reason you quit.
If you’re hoping that what the employer did (pay you for time you didn’t have to work) would be enough to claim you were discharged, it isn’t.
Proving good cause is the burden and it’s always assigned to the moving party as long as both parties are truthful, or don’t try to fudge on something basic like whether the employee literally did quit, or was fired.