by TJ
(South Carolina)
I have been denied benefits after quitting a job in South Carolina to follow a spouse who was transferred to Delawares.
I had to quit my job in SC due to my husband’s company transferring his job to Delaware. They denied benefits and then denied my appeal. Stating I quit voluntary quit my job. I had no choice, I couldn’t stay in SC without him, he is the bread winner and we want to stay together, add to that we have a disabled child. Should I appeal the appeal? What can I do?
Probably nothing.
The state unemployment rules of concern are South Carolina’s and the reason you quit was to follow a spouse due to your spouse being transferred.
Quitting to follow a spouse is one of the common reasons for quitting that the DOLETA chartbooks do address.
Specifically, in the Non Monetary eligibility chartbook which compares state laws.
South Carolina, it seems, can only find good cause if your spouse happens to be in the military.