by Jane Doe
(Miami, Florida)
I have been laid off since last July. I have an Associate’s Degree in Nursing and the market in South Florida is tough for nurses with no experience. The best way for me to even get my foot in the door is for a hospital, office, etc, to give me a chance, but that does not seem to be happening, or get my Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, lots of hospital are requiring this nowdays. I have been following the rules and I am looking for work as instructed with no result of a job. Since I have three classes left pre-requisites to even enter the BSN, I decided last semester; Fall, to take one class ONLINE; which I paid on my own. This in no way affected my A&A (I honestly do not recall whether I checked this or not). I have never applied for Financial Aid before, but since I am not working I decided in November to apply to see I get anything for this semester; Spring, because I would not be able to afford it myself, and not only did I get a Pell Grant for this semester, but they also paid for last semester and issued me a refund for the class I paid.
Following your instructions to become informed and not do anything that will jeopardise my UE Benefits (which they will run out in 3 weeks, hopefully I will get an extension), I went to the US Dept. of Labor (since I could not find the information in the Florida website, and it states that I will not be denied benefits provided that school attendance will not interfere with my availability to accept suitable work. I am taking one class on campus that is ONCE a week at 7:05 pm, and one ONLINE class.
My questions is should I call to let them know? Or since my benefits will be running out in three weeks and if I apply for an extension or they send me a form to fill do I let them know then? Is this going to be an issue when I do my income tax return?
I am still looking for work as instructed, not only as a nurse but in the field I used to do before; which is also medical related, and still not getting job offers, but finding work is priority, the face to face class I am taking can be rescheduled to another day and time as the professor works full time for this community college and he will have not problem in making accomodations for me if the need arises. Do remember that nurses work 3xs a week, 12 hours shifts.
Any reply to this query will be appreciated by anyone in the know.
Thank you.
Hi Jane ..
It sounds as if your main concern is continuing eligibility when/if you’re allowed to collect Federal Emergency Unemployment Compensation in Florida (Not certain the St. of Florida might not have to update the info).
But, you’re right, about the DOLETA chartbook.
Although it indicates quitting a job to attend school is disqualifying, as it is in most states, unless there is an exception for state approved training, being disqualified or ineligible while attending school in Florida is contingent upon school having to interfere with your ability to accept suitable work.
And that you’re school schedule is adjustable, you can answer honestly any questions posed if your eligibility is actually audited and investigated by the DEO.
Would you be willing to quit school if it were the only option for accepting a suitable offer of employment?
That can be a tough question for people who have laid out money of their own to go to school .. or, even to lose grant money.
Although I don’t intend to instruct, I know I can be a bit preachy, but it’s only because when I go to official state websites I see the report fraud buttons and there is references everywhere like neon signs. Of course, my usual fallback excuse for seeing danger is I’m compensating.
I raised two boys, now men and they are over hearing me preach and tell me not to worry:)
I noticed on the bottom of the right hand column of nearly every page on the Florida Reemployment website .. the offer to email a question and this promise:
All e-mail inquiries will be responded to by an agent within 3 business days, either by e-mail or telephone, based on your choice.
I”d wish you luck getting through collecting unemployment, but I think you’ll be fine Jane.
It’s just that I also see the irony in this question about UI benefits .. The benefits itself can sometimes kills the initiative of those with less fortitude and tolerance for the red tape that can be involved in just trying to become employable.
It drives me nuts!!
Comments for Taking one online class and one face to face class once a week, while collecting benefits.