by Ellen
(Walled Lake, MI)
The Administrative Law Judge decision I did not establsih “good cause” for filing a late protest.
Where and how should I appeal the ALJ? I tried to proof “good cause” of late appeal but seems Judge did not read an explanation, also even I was on time but I did file in 30 days and no other explanation as my English as a second language and it take me time to write appeal in proper way. I was unable to proof that unemployment office mailed to me the decision but I never received one due to Holidays. They tried to tell me it took me 30 days to file appeal.
If you want to appeal the ALJ decision, instruction should have been included with his decision to appeal to the Michigan Review Board.
Michigan also has a precedent digest and if his decision was in contradiction to a relevant precedent about timeliness of appeal, that might be a good basis of appeal.
Additionally, I believe all states allow anyone to which english is their second language to “request an interpreter”.
In addition, because you are in Michigan you should try to take advantage of their No Cost Advocacy Program to help you with your board appeal.
Michigan unemployment decisions
Although I didn’t check to verify, I’m thinking that Chapter 16 would be the place to start looking for relevant decisions.