by Athena
(NC Unemployment Benefits)
Threatened to be terminated and have not called out all year
My employer knew I was planning on going home for Christmas and I was assured last year that I would get Christmas eve of this year off. They scheduled me to work when this was discussed over a year ago. We have people who have not been here even a month who have the holiday given to them. I was also told no two Saturdays off in a row, though they have given it to another new person. I told them they knew this and I was going to be out of town that day and threatening to fire me if I call out that day. Now, I have worked EVERY holiday weekend and have not called out all year. I live in North Carolina and was wondering can they do that and if so, can I collect unemployment as this would be a first occurance?
It’s August.
Why exactly are you being threatened with termination?
Try to remain focused on what the employer said and why .. Not calling out all year has nothing to do with this.