by veronica
(dothan, al)
My last day with the company i work with will be on april 6th and they come and pack up my households goods the next day. we will be leaving the state of alabama on the 12th and going to Ft. Riley, KS where my hubsand is stated. Since i have to leave my job and this is the only location can i apply for unemployment.
Hi Veronica,
The issue is entirely, state specific and to find out about each state begins by first clicking the current year, then the “Nonmonetary Eligibility” link and going to table 5-2 .. here.
But since things may be changing I also suggest that you make sure Alabama hasn’t received any stimulus money to change this element of their statutes by exploring this information about UI incentive approved applications.
If a state doesn’t allow benefits when a military spouse has to quit .. then that means the quit must be attributable to the work .. period.
For instance, if you work for a company that has a location near Fr. Riley and they also allow people to transfer, but for some reason refuse you a transfer .. then you would have a case to argue for unemployment benefits.
That way you at least have a valid argument to say that the quit was attributable to the work.