Questions about unemployment appeals .. as in first level appeals to a lower appeal authority, often come from hindsight, after the first level hearing has already been lost.
Problem when working from hindsight, is hindsight frequently helps explain, what we could of done in the first place, at the first hearing that could help with a written argument to the higher appeal authority focused on all interested parties rights to due process .. before and during that first hearing.
Rules of Administrative Law Procedure, Specific to Conducting Unemployment Administrative Law Hearings .. Fairly and Impartially
Whether the rules of procedure for administrative law hearings (exactly what the first level unemployment hearing is) can be likened to a jungle, you have hack your way through, or not, know that if you are unrepresented and need, or wants to win a lower level appeal hearing to get, or retain your benefits, or just make a point you deserve benefits, I think you need to stick your head in the game of unemployment insurance .. just like employers often do .. to win.
If pressed for a precedent unemployment decision, I’m fairly certain I could dig up more than one that explains, even an unemployed person, is expected to know they can use the rules to ensure they’re own rights to due process are protected as a means to win a winnable unemployment appeal hearing.
Here’s a couple hundred, or so … FAQ’s about Unemployment Appeals
Unemployment Appeal Basics
Unemployment Appeal Sample Letter
When to Appeal Denied Unemployment Benefits
Questions About Unemployment Eligibility
Unemployment Representation Referrals
Unemployment Appeal Stories
Click any of the links below to read what others have asked.
Employer lied/appealing/thoughts??
I was fired from a job that I held for 2 years. The supervisor told me to leave, and I did. I filed for unemployment benefits and just received a letter …
Help with Unemployment Benefits Appeal Law
I have determined for my work, because of discrimination from my manager for which i went to a lawyer and opened a case against the company, and the lawyer …
1 case appealed denied (original), 2nd granted to reopen?
I’m in NY. First case,(1st court date) the employer did not show up. I testified, decision for ui benefits granted. That case was appealed and reopened. …

Appealed a Denial of Unemployment After Being Fired for Sexual Harassment
I am a female and I had a recently married female co-worker harass me at work. She always made sure she asked me when no one else was around, if I …
Got Denied and Unemployment Appeal Hearing is Coming Up
I was fired on Nov 30 for what I was told by the manager the administrator’s finding I left some equipment on over night, over a month ago. I didn’t …
Fired for being sick
I had my heating a week ago don’t think it went well. I was told to submit questions.I did but they were questions for my employer like why she stole my …
My Employer Lied At My Hearing… And I Lost
What a great site, Chris. I live in Florida- oh yay! My appeal should have been a slam dunk. My boss lied and I proved it using her own evidence and …
Fired for Misconduct I lived and worked at the property — Witnesses are on my side. Second Texas Appeal
I live at the property and work in the leasing office. I got injured at work by hitting my knee in a construction area of a remodeled apartment and it …
Potential Witness Says I must ask employer if I can use her as a witness
At the end of december I ended up not being able o come back into work because my spouse and I got into a fight where he tried to attack me. Luckily, his …
Will I win my appeal ?
I worked for a company for only 7 months. I previously did the same line of work for 18 years at another bank where my position was eliminated due …
Employer reason I voluntary quit does not coincide with what I stated
I have a question concerning my voluntary quit unemployment submission, when applying for unemployment benefits I stated in detail why believed I had good …
Appeal got dismissed. Can’t really do anything about it now.
So I voluntarily left my employer on a good note with no issues. It was all on good terms. I had planned to relocate out of state. I was in the planning …
Terminated for being arrested on the job
I worked at a company for approx 1 year, and missed one day. This was when I was arrested on the job and incarcerated for 24 hrs, making me miss the next …
I worked for 6 months in a warehouse as the manager. I supervised 2 warehouse workers and 2 drivers. After 1 month, one worker had a heart attack and was …
Employer refused to participate in my unemployment phone hearing
I was fired from work when employer stated I was standing around. So, I applied for benefits, but I was denied. So, I filed an appeal and I got …
Granted unemployment employer appealed no show now appealing again fired for misconduct
Basically was fired for misconduct related to my attitude towards employer for a text saying “you think a job that makes no money is a job opportunity …
I got fired because I complained about over weight loads
I called in 15 minutes late for my hearing and the representative denied my claim. I appealed again because I was at work but in her comments, she …
Unemployment Appeal Won twice by Claimant- Review Commission Granted Employer a Continuance
I have been awarded UI due to separation from an employer because I was offered a position in which I would have been making a substantially lower rate …
I won my appeal for Texas unemployment benefits and now the employer is appealing
I’m not sure what to do or how to prepare for the appeal hearing. The first hearing the employer did not show up for (it was a phone hearing) the unemployment …
Professional licensing entity screw up has delayed renewal of professional license subsequently leading to termination because of inability to work due to expired license
I have a professional license through state of Ohio. August 31st was the last day for renewal if not renewed be fore midnight on the 31st of August, it …
I can’t afford representation for my upcoming hearing can you tell me a good resource I can use to help myself
I have a pending California EDD hearing because I appealed an overpayment,the reason they give for my denial is that I quit my job without good cause. …
medical documentation
I had my FIRST appeal and it was ruled in favor of the employer. My quitting had to do with the work environment being hazardous to my physical and mental …
State of Ohio, request for relief of charges, potential mutualization
I worked for employer “A” and left for a job with health insurance and higher pay with employer “B” then was laid off 8 months later. I received a …
What if you lose for filing an appeal late?
i was late with filing my appeal due to trying to find work and the constant headache of trying to make ends meet. i had an appeal hearing concerning …
Illinois Voluntary Quit 601a based on a supplemental income
I have read your information here and understand the reasoning behind short appeals letter and securing an attorney for the appeal hearing. However, we …
On LOA and I was never notified of discharge, termination or separation…After 60 days with no word from Employer I requested UI Benefits in Massachusetts.
On 3/17/2014 I had a personal matter come up that required me to leave work for a period of time. I was an Account Manager for a Major Security Firm. The …
Texas -denied for misconduct
I was fired for going to lunch at my normal time. An email was sent to everyone in the office 4 days earlier that there was no group lunches until current …
fired for working off the clock
I have my unemployment appeal hearings tomorrow in Georgia. I was terminated for working off the clock but my employer is trying to railroad me on a customer …
Approved, then Ex-Employer Appealed, then didn’t show up to Appeal so case was dismissed
I worked for my former employer for 5 years, and was applying for another position with in the company, and my most recent application there was something …
Safety when it is convenient…
My ex employer was Lowes hardware in Westminster, Co. They have many dangerous pieces of machinery in the building. I was using a simple machine called …
Missouri UnEmployment Overpayment – They Say
I was on Missouri unemployment. I worked one week in Kansas and on the on line questionnaire when filing for continuing un-employment it just asked did …
I have an appeals hearing scheduled and don’t know what to expect
I have been denied unemployment benefits. I worked for a company for 1 1/2 years. They stated I didn’t notify my supervisor of a case in which I was involved. …
Won appeal in Tennessee, employer appealing to board of review.
I was fired from my job in Tennessee back in June for what my employer had cited as unsatisfactory job performance and excessive tardiness. Not once during …
I quit my job for a better opportunity but then was screwed over.
I was working at dunkin donuts for 4 years. I was only receiving 25 hrs a week. Then found a better opportunity at 40 hrs a week with more pay. Yes, …
My employer lied during my first appeal. Hearing officer would not allow my witness to give full statements.
I have just finished my first appeal with Sears. Their reason to deny me unemployment benefits is for “making unauthorized markdowns and price matching …
Got the employer’s appeal via e mail..
I was granted Unemployment in Orlando FL on July 17, I was fired due to missed days..I had been injured at work and due to pain, stress called two days. …
My appeal today
Good Afternoon, I had a appeal hearing today because employer was not disputing payments but disputing the reasons of voluntary resignation as a assistant …
Appealed a denial of unemployment due to misconduct, but my employer did not attend the hearing.
Hi,Chris I was recently fired due to misconduct on June 10,2014… I was a store manager for a retail store. On June 7 my ankle and foot was swollen …
Won UC Benefits, Then Employer Appeals
A consultant came into the office I had been working at for 6 years,( I have never been written up, no misconducts or no shows) and determined that there …
bor pending appeal stage
I was fired April 4th 2014. Had my phone interview won my case. The company comes back & appeals decision with the alj stating I was a no call no show …
Fairness and Impartialiality at an Unemployment Hearing Is A Mandated Ideal
The idea that you will receive a fair tribunal unemployment hearing, resulting in a decision written by the hearing officer presiding, completely impartial …
You Are More Than Just an Employee – Hearsay Lesson
Everyone who works for a living, even those who luck out and collect unemployment benefits should realize they are more than an employee or potential employee …
Filed for unemployment after 16 years at best buy.
I guess My question is I had my appeal on June 10 and haven’t heard anything yet just wondering if its a good or bad thing if it takes longer for a decision …
Lower level appeal hearing with company not showing up..
Hi, I live in Md and work for bby, i used to drive a company vehicle(GeekSquad). Best buy policy supercedes state and local law’s. If you receive …
Florida Unemployment Appeal Help Needed
misconduct was the determination related to attendance that put myself away from my unemployment benefits. I was having a health problems is this a misconduct? …
What is Good Cause for a Late filing for Weekly Unemployment Benefits.
Question: What is Good Cause for a Late filing for Weekly Unemployment Benefits? Filed for UI in Kentucky. I misread, or was not thinking clearly …
Denied unemployment cause I stated I was in jail in GA
I was in jail for 30 days, unfortnatly when I was released I was fired in georgia. My employer knew I had a pended case I stated on my application when …
Employer appealing ALJ decision in NYS
In December 2011, after working for 21 years at the same company, I resigned my position. My daughter had been treated unfairly and wanted to appeal a …
My employer advised me to quit or I would be fired for health issues. Now my employer is appealing my benefits after telling me numerous times they would approve it.
I was having attendance issues due to my declining health. My employer adviced me that I was going to be fired. I expressed my health issues, physical …
will i win?
I was terminated from my job as a manager of a convenience store in march 12. I was with the company for 5 years, the last 2 I was manager of my own store. …
Do I have a chance to win my appeal?
I was let go from my social worker job in Feb. 2012. I began working for this organization in 8/09. The major factor which attributed to me being fired, …
Was attacked at Work Defended tried to defend myself and was fired
I work in the state of Nevada a coworker choke me on the job site. I got his hands from around my neck. we were face to face with each other. He took a …
Due Process & Director Trying to Correct Prior Decesion
I filed and applied for determination of benefit rights in March 2011, on May 2011 the Director issued a Redetermination allowing benefits filed on March …
Terminated for Gross Misconduct
After a staff meeting, I was told to stay behind and asked to meet in the legal person’s office with the Interim HR director and HR Consultant in attendance. …
I am being denied benefits b/c -The claimant was discharged for allegedly instigating conflict on the job. No information has been submitted which substantiates …
How long it will be before I get a unemployment hearing decision
I had a appeal hearing 3/28/2011 at the appeal my x employer had several papers that he said I was written up I never seen any of the paper until then …
Denied Florida Partial Unemployment Benefits For Being Underemployed
This is my long story short: I gave my employer (dentist in Florida) a resignation letter in October 2011 giving her a 60 day notice because my husband …
I am receieving UI benefits in Kentucky, if I file gender discrimination can my former employer appeal my benefits for filing with tbe EEOC?
I am receiving UI benefits in Kentucky, if I file gender discrimination can my former employer appeal my benefits for filing with the EEOC, and possibly …

5 months later… waiting for 3rd appeal. MISSOURI
In the restroom when a process server was at work to serve me civil papers. She said she would wait, but she didn’t and I lost my job for not making myself …
How can i go to an appeal if I moved out of state?
I worked for the city of new york for five years. During that time it was hard for me to keep up with my rent payments because it exeeded my income. I …
Alabama Employer Didn’t Attend Hearing, But Has Appealed To The Board Of Review
The basics: *Worked for a homeless shelter for pregnant women over five years. *Original job description included:working shifts (nights included) Doula …
I won my first appeal in front of a referee, now ex employer is appealing to the UC Board live in PA
Let me start by saying I wished I found this website sooner before my hearing then I would have been better prepared. I would have known what I could and …
I couldn’t have done it without representation!
I just had my SECOND unemployment appeal hearing. What an ordeal this entire process has been. I know I would have been drowning during the process if …
2 Different Unemployment Appeal Hearings….
My husband had two different appeal hearings because he was let go of his job back in june. The one for the job he was let go of due to medical reasons …
Fired for turning my store manager in for Pregnancy and Sexual Discrimination .. and then denied my unemployment???
Fired for turning my store manager in for Pregnancy and Sexual Discrimination .. and then denied my unemployment??? I worked at ATT. From Nov 2010 …
Fired In Texas For Misconduct And Denied Again At My TX Unemployment Appeal Phone Hearing
I work for a loan cash company, I took a payment from a customer without her/my supervisors approval. I’m not the only one whose done this but the …
Due Process Rights? Right to a speedy unemployment hearing?
I have a family member that was recently fired from a job that she worked at for more than 5 years in Michigan. She was fired back in the spring and applied …
I was fired but my ex-employer says I quit.
I was fired from my job on January 26th of this year. It was during an audit that my district manager fired me because as a cashier my drawer was turning …
Haven’t received a decision from the Referee for my PA unemployment appeal
Im located in Pennsylvania. I was terminated on Jan 20th. I applied for unemployment and received a denial of benefits letter. I sent my appeal in …
What does it mean when the appeals decision is reversed?
What does it mean when the appeals decision is reversed? My husband was denied when he first filed. We appealed and that too was denied. Since my …
My former employer is appealing my granted Unemployment Benefits arguing I quit for personal reasons
My former employer is appealing my granted unemployment benefits, arguing I quit for personal reasons In Denver, CO I started working for this company …
After I win an appeal, how long does it take to get paid?
After I win an appeal, how long does it take to get paid? I won my appeal hearing and now I am waiting for all of the paper work to be returned …
Never received important unemployment mail TWICE!!!
Never received important unemployment mail TWICE!!! I am at my wit’s end with the appeals process for unemployment compensation in Pennsylvania. …
does my argument hold water?
I quit my job of 7 years back in October, I was a project manager with a landscape construction company. Over the years My boss’ older brother would work …
Unemployment benefits received but employer wants a hearing to appeal
I worked for a supermarket for 5 yrs 1 mth. I started in Georgia and transferred with the same company to Alabama in Jan.2009 for family reasons. I was …
Unemployment Appeal in California
Hi Chris. You helped me significantly and I read everything you post each day, so I immediately thought of you when my children’s father was denied Unemployment. …
supervisor sends me naked pictures, and now shes finding ways to fire me
just want to know if i can have here fired beause of this, also she’s been having a misuse of the gas card @ work and the company is aware but wont do …
Evidence of misconduct AFTER the employee is fired
Evidence of misconduct AFTER the employee is fired A friend of mine was fired from her job at a real estate agency after three years of employment. …
denied unemployment due to poor job performance even though I was given 2 promotions and 3 raises in year I worked
On December 6, 2010, I was terminated by an employer (an independent hotel) with whom I had worked for about one year. I was totally taken by surprise …
Denied for 1st appeal, late on requesting for 2nd appeal and appeal denied for being late. Is there any other way to still try to win unemployment benefits?
Denied for 1st appeal, late on requesting for 2nd appeal and appeal denied for being late. Is there any other way to still try to win unemployment benefits? …
can a employee be terminated if a manager was off the clock and disrespect the employee?
employee had instruction from one manager and another manager that was off the clock was being disrespectful to the employee and then gave other instructions …
Appeal issue is voluntarily quitting a job with good cause because it wasn’t suitable work.
My appeal issue is voluntarily quitting a job with good cause because it wasn’t suitable work. And lets not forget the unemployment overpayment issue. …
Can employer enter more documents into evidence for appeal or does she have to stick with what she used to fight the initial claims hearing?
In NJ my boss told UI that I was fired for misconduct. (When she fired me she told me it was because our personalities clashed.) I was awarded my benefits …
Boss said I quit, I say I was fired..all over a text message.
Someone else sent a text in the 3rd person from my phone that said “Susan quits as of now” to my boss. This was late on a Friday night. The next morning …
i won my nj unemployment appeal. what next?
i have been calling in since sept. its now dec. will i get back pay and will i get it on my next call in date? You should get your backpay as soon …
I was fired for supposedly stealing a sweater!
Fired and Approved for ui but now 2 months later they are appealing it!Help!I was fired for supposedly stealing a sweater from my workplace, the manager …
what do i do????
i filed for unemployment over a month ago and cvs denied me. they have a statement on me saying i did things that i really didn’t do,but i wrote it down …
What if the unemployment office made a mistake on the status of a claim? for instance they stated I ran out of EUC benefits when it was only my regular benefits that ended.
I’m seeking EUC benefits because my regular benefits ended. They said I cannot receive an extension because I had exhausted my EUC benefits. I have not …
Fired, employer says I quit voluntarily—WA state
With no previous write ups or verbal warnings my manager and district manager entered my store ( Im a GM at a party store) and proceeded to verbally rip …
past unemployment dues
I recently won an appeal for unemployment and I did not certify any of my 9 weeks that I was not working. I recently went to the local IDES office and …
My company is lying to the EDD about why I was fired in CA
I was being harassed by my boss for several months. It had nothing to do with my job performance since I always met my deadlines and was a good worker. …
A few thing that can happen when your employer has appealed to the board of review
I am going through an appeal review next week. My case is in the state of NV. What can I expect if I lose my unemployment benefits? This is the second …
Employer Lies – Or did they just get some advice about the correct focus for their appeal hearing?
non monetary decision says im disqualified because of misconduct, but at the appeals hearing the employer said I quit. Hi, Here’s a newsflash. …
Employer never returned Request for Separation Information form
I quit my job with good cause, and have had my initial telephone interview. I feel that it went very well. I supplied a timeline of events and provided …
Previous Employeer Appealing Notice of Determination.
I was approved for unemployment benefits, but after 2 months, my previous employer appealed. I was initially told that once I was approved, that my employer …
Thrown Under the Bus
Director of company did not process his expense report in a timely manner (over $7k in expenses) and blamed me for not processing. I, however, worked …
Unemployment Appeal Hearing Approaching
I was fired on July 23, 2010. We were approached on break by other co-workers saying that we were on downtime (I worked at a lab, downtime meaning …
your claim is appealed but you have a new job
I filed for edd benifits won the claim and now my ex boss is appealing.. do I have to go to a hearing if i get hired for a new job? Yes, you should …
Fired for misconduct
I was fired on July 15 2010 in Chicago IL by my manager. I worked under a bad hostile environment. My manager wrote me up for a no call no show on 2/6/10 …
terminated for a hippa violation i did not do
i was accused of mailing out a medical bill to another person i work in a office at a hospital that is about to close my job was very demanding and most …
What are my chances on winning and appeal after i’ve already been granted benefits?`
Ok so i worked for this employer for 7 yrs. Never got promoted cause I have a disability not being able to stand long periods. I always provided a dr note. …
i had my phone appeal my employer did not participate will i win the appeal
i quit due to retaliation and hostile work environment. i gave the facts my doctor note stating stress do to work related issue advised to quit . my …
NJ denied my claim
I quit my job in NJ when my husband, who earns far more than me was given a forced transfer to GA. Since having to leave NJ I have not been able to obtain …
I have unemployment in Fl. and my previous employer is filing an appeal
I have unemployment from my last employer that I quit from, but because of the quarters the employer before that one is being charged. So of course they …
Burden of Proof: What does it look like?
I recently had my appeal hearing for Unemployment. I attempted to subpoena some documents but was denied my subpoena and the Judge stated his reason was …
Do you think I will win my appeal?
I was terminated in May for a violation of Email Policy. I was sent a email by a co-worker who had on occasion sent me a harmless joke or information of …
Late Unemployment appeal
In November 2010 my unemployment appeal was denied. I let the matter drop. I have since found out that a man who I worked with and was called into the …
My unemployment appeal decision stated i am “affirmed.” what does that mean? This means that whatever the initial determination said is affirmed …
I am being asked to repay to the Unemployment Agency what they paid me for 6 months
I was fired in Feb of 2008 by my employer. I applied for unemployment in Florida and it was approved. After 6 months of receiving benefits the employer …
my nevada unemployment appeal was reversed….what does that mean?
I appealed my denial of unemployment, had a telephone interview with my previous employer present and 7 days later found out it was reversed. what does …
Unemployment Benefits Denied – Can I win my appeal?
I was fired from my job in Colorado and am being denied Unemployment benefits and need to know if I can win my appeal. I was fired in July and filed for …
Employer was late in their appeal.
Filed for unemployment benefits- got determintation I was denied- quit work. Clarification- put in two weeks- thought I had a job lined up as subcontractor, …
I lost my job because my co-workers celebrated my birthday and my boss’s right-hand couldn’t stand it. Unemployment was denied b/c they said I was discharged for insubordination and misconduct
I was forced to sign a letter of resignation on June 15, 2010. After I at first refused to sign the letter, I was told if I did not sign the letter, which …
I won my appeal
I had my 2nd Florida Unemployment appeal hearing on June 25, 2010. It was reversed in my favor. The 1st hearing was in April and it was affirmed. I appealed. …
Can I win my appeal even if I was fired for misconduct due to a rule vilolation in California?
RN from San Diego, CA I am an RN that was fired for personally accessing and rescheduling my son’s pediatrician appointment in the computer system. There …
I filed an appeal in California and my employer didnt show.
I work and live in California and I was fired from my employer in what they stated “Substandard Work Performance.” EDD classified it under section 1256 …
Appeal hearing- do I even have a shot?
I quit my job at the end of October 2009. I had been working there since March, but at the end of September a new owner had taken over. Many people quit …
Reconsideration and appeal????
I was fired for “misconduct”….that state didnt agree the behavior rose to that level so i was granted my benefits after a phone interview. My former …
A previously existing condition was exacerbated by treatment on the job….
….I continually brought my complaints about the abusive and harrassing behavior of the employer to the HR person. Other employees witnessed this behavior …
Can I appeal a denial of unemployment benefits for taking longer time during my work 10 minute break limit?
I was fired because I had taken longer breaks during work my hours. During the times that I exceeded my break limit I was having a great deal of back pain …
I am collecting unemployment benefits my boss appealed
If the referee reversed the decision what does this mean? You lost your benefits and you’ll probably have to repay them.
What Does Relief of Charges Mean?
I recently received a request for relief of charges in my correspondence. I have been approved for benefits and have been receiving them for 5 weeks now. …
Dirty Employer Tricks
Just wanted to let everyone know of a dirty employer trick that is used to avoid paying unemployment. This is what happened to me. I was full-time with …
Employer was a no show at my 1st appeal hearing.
Hi. On dec 7 09, I went to work sick and during that morning started feeling much worse. I spoke with my charge nurse (manager) explaining how terrible …
My Appeal Hearing Postponed Right in The Middle
Kris, We talked on the phone last Friday, I am the guy from Texas with a very aggressive co-worker that brought guns to the office. Your advise was …
Will I get the unemployment extentions?
Good day, I have won the appeal, have been out of work since June 18th 2009. now that I have won the appeal, will I also collect from the extention that …
Denied because ‘Maternity Leave’ was viewed as ‘Quitting’ by Unemployment rep.
My Unemployment claim was denied because the representative I spoke to was convinced I had quit my job to have my baby, when I was in fact on un-paid Maternity …
My employer cut my hours when I returned from maternity leave and I was denied unemployment for quitting without good cause. Should I appeal?
I was on maternity leave called my boss for my schedule and he said the buisness is slow and he is keeping the temp and can only give me 8hrs a week. …
If my employer didn’t show up for the unemployment appeal hearing will I win?
Hi there, I just had my appeal hearing today and my employer didn’t show up. But they wrote a letter. Do I automatically win because the judge still …
my husband applied for unemployment in December he quit his job because the vice president put his hands on him and threated him and harassed him all the time
We had an appeal after being denied and no one at his employers answered the phone for the appeal so they did it without them. They said we would get a …
Can you go to school full time and get unemployment in Tx?
I have worked in the same field for 12 years, and there are currently NO jobs available in that field where I live. I can’t afford to move elsewhere at …
Fired for writing a distasteful note? Continued…
I had written the following and really found your advice helpful. I was hoping I could update and maybe get some more help if possible… Fired for …
Being out with the flu?
I was fired after I returned to work after being out for the flu. I had been sent home a week before and was out for 2 days and came back to work while …
Denied because of school in illinois.
Hello I worked at a restaurant while being a full time student until February of 2009, I applied for unemployment in Illinois in May and got accepted …
Appeal request filed by employer – Ohio
I was terminated from my job in December ’09, and successfully passed my initial on 1/19/2010. Today (2/10/2010), I received a “request for appeal has …
a new manager firing me for doing what an arrangement that previous manager had with myself and another coworker
I was employed for several months at a local grocery store. The night 1St manager had an arrangement with myself and another co-worker (who happens to …
Fired for poor job performance in Georgia
The company is presently going though a lay off period. I was employed with them for 7 months in which time have been switched from one position to another …
short on cash drawer
i was short in my cash drawer never been wrote up for being short i had my hearing todayand the employer ddidnt have the paper i sign a year ealier that …
Denied my Appeal of Benefits for “VOLUNTARILY LEAVING JOB”
Hi, I was initially denied unemployment benefits for what they considered “VOLUNTARILY LEAVING JOB”. I actually was terminated from my job for losing …
denied unemployment by hearing officer
hi my name is joel from b’ham alabama. my recent appeal for unemployment was denied by the hearing officer even after the employer failed to show up for …
State of Georgia, Unemployement Appeals Ruling Time Frame When the Employer does not show up for the hearing?
Hi, I had a telephone appeals hearing Monday November 30th 2009 and my former employer did not show up for the hearing. The voice mail for the representative …
Is there hope for an unemployment appeal in Virginia?
Two years ago, on four occasions within a two week period I was late. On two of those occasions I overslept and did not notify my supervisor. On the other …
Auto tech denied uc for misconduct in Alabama.
Almost two years work at a Tire and Service store.Was ordered to resurface two cracked brake disc rotors.I an ASE MASTER TECHNICIAN refused.That it was …
Can I get unemployment for quitting a job where conditions were questionable.
I recently worked at a company where staffing was a major problem. They had only one preceptor who was also the only full time technician. She had numerous …
How much detail do i need to include in my appeal?
I live in california Hello Chris, I am getting mixed information. I hope you can clarify. I want of course to get in my appeal asap to get hearing …
Do you have a sample letter to follow for an appeal for denial of benefits?
I need a sample letter to follow and correct words to use to write an appeal letter. I need this letter in (5) days to meet the 30 day deadline. …
quit without good cause
I left my last position due to the commission structure changing, i have the original papperwork that says nothing about this can possibly change. At first …
Fired – Failed to Perform to Employer Satisfaction
I was fired from my job on June 12, 2009. As per the termination paperwork they gave me, it says “Company Procedure Violations – You are terminated for …
What does a disqualification exactly mean?
I took a few months off from my job of 6+ years last December, and returned to work in April, but only for 2 weeks due to slow business. I was told that …
should i have a witness at my telephone appeal hearing?
This has been my second correspondence with you and you have been so helpful I have one more question! A short story on my situation. My mother was …
Im going to appeal, but I was fired for absences…any chance? OH, and it’s like..6 months later.
Alright…Hey, I was terminated from my job on 11/26/2008. I just filed for unemployment on 5/24/2009, and just received a letter from them today about …
The employer discharged the claimant for violating a company rule
Evidence supports negligence or willful disregard of the rule on the part of the claimant. Ohio’s legal standard that determines if a discharge is with …
How can I win an unemployment hearing if I was fired for poor performance?
A few days ago I had an in person Unemployment Appeals Hearing with agents of my former employer. I was fired for poor performance on the job and …
employer feels I comitted a misconduct
I was denied unemployment in New York. A letter came saying everything was reversed by the judge. I was paid payments up to $ 6000.00, due $ 7000.00, I …
quit voluntarily – due to moving to new area
I am not mentally fit to live by myself. I have lived with my parents all my life. I had brain damage when I was born. My mother recently moved to Florida …
Fired for violation of a company policy
I was Terminated from employment on 3-19-09 with my former employer of 10 yrs. In that time i had never been wrote up one time and never had a problem, …
I was told that they no longer needed me because they hired more poeple that could work more hours.
When I got hired, the owner told me that he was hiring for the morning shift and that he would only need someone till about 2pm. So i put on my application …
a policy violation where I forgot to do a duty of my job several times
I was an assistant manager of a bank branch. My job duties were somewhere between manager and teller and often did aspects of both of their jobs. After …
Poor Performance
Hi, thanks for taking the time to look at this I was terminated on Feb of 2009 and my appeal hearing date is finally set for next week I was fired …
not eligible code 1256 not properly notifying employer of absence
I was fired after taking a day to go to a scheduled court date. I was not able to request the day off in writing becaause when I was notified of the date …
Washington state, statute RCW 50.20.050(2) cited in Determination Notice, yet I did not quit my job.
Abstract: Hello. I was working in a small, family owned company (8 people total) for about 13 months as the only receptionist. I was “let go”, according …
I won my unemployment appeal hearing and want to know what the chances are of my former employer winning if they take it to the board of review?
I was initially denied employment as the employer protested… we went to the appeal hearing step (I filed an appeal). I also hired an attorney to …
I was denied for Breech of Confidentiality
I am on a Habitat for Humanity committee as a family selector in our home town (Illinois); I also worked for a non-profit organization company. I attended …
According to the employer, I was discharge for violating a company rule after my complaint of harassment.
I was employed with this company for over six years. I started out as a child-care worker. After seven months I was promoted to another position with …
Falsification Of Work Related Documents
The letter states Section 443, Florida Statutes: First the company told me to take the week off then wouldn’t return my calls. My check arrived in the …
Denied in CA for Section 1256
I have an appeal hearing tomorrow and have just stumbled across your website while completing my research. I was terminated by my previous employer at …
Do you think I will win my unemployment appeal hearing? I was fired for failure to meet the employers goals and expectations.
I am in the appeals process for unemployment benefits.. My claim was denied by the ajudicator for misconduct based on the reason for discharge. I just …
I was fired due to violation of co policy. NCGS 96-14 North Carolina.
I worked as an asst manager at a retail clothing store. I worked for this store for more than 1 1/2 yrs at 3 different locations and never had any problems. …
Unusual case of denial of unemployment benefits.
I was denied unemployment benefits after claiming for it a month ago because the department of labor claimed I quit with no good cause in the determination …
Unemployment benefits claim overpayment appeal
I was collecting unemployment benefits after I got laid off. Three months later I found a job and STOPPED claiming the benefit weeks since. I now get …
Fired for violation of company rules and policies – Texas
Late last year I was terminated for submitting a timesheet claiming that I had worked 3 days on which I had not. It was truly an honest mistake on my part! …
Hi – Question regarding telephone appeal hearing in Florida…
My telephone appeal is scheduled for 2/24/09. I am in Florida. I quit due to inhospitable working conditions and retaliation from supervisor. I walked …
I went on a combined claim, from NV State to WA State, and they want to make me repay the entire year of benefits!
I lived in NV, and was laid off in Dec 2007. I moved to WA State in March, hoping to find work there. I found a job for one week in March, but quit due …
Do I have good grounds to win my unemployment appeal?
I worked for a trucking company for two years as a solo driver. On July 29th 2008, the CEO of the company called me and stated that he had signed contracts …
I quit a part time job to find full-time work, now I’m disqualified for unemployment.
I was unemployed by my main job which was a full time position for 15 years. I also had a part time job, but this was an on call position such as once …
Appealing Denial On Claim For Unemployment Benefits
I was recently dismissed from my non-bargaining position as a propane delivery driver. The reasons given for my dismissal were the insinuations of progressive …
Should I appeal my Monetary Determination
My name is Kyle, I was recently laid off due to Lack of Work in Elizabethton Tn. I recently filed for unemployment on 10/20/08. I was not monetarily …
Can You Get Unemployment When Forced To Resign
Worked in PA. I was placed on administrative leave pending an investigation of an accident…My department told me they decided on my termination because …
NOTICE TO CLAIMANT REGARDING BENEFITS PAID PENDING APPEAL That is the title of the notice I received today on March 14, 2011. It appears that my former …
My appeal was postpend
I was fired for breaking a rule/policy, I work for a convenience store. Here is a quick back story of what was going on. I had been with the company …
Being Disqualified for Unemployment Benefits, Years After I Handled the Fact I Was Over Paid for One Week of Benefits in 2011 Not rated yet
Hello, I am union laborer. Our work varies and I have been on unemployment many time throughout the years. Because I am very aware when I will work, …
Had no choice but to move, employer trying to block my benefits Not rated yet
We lived in Fort Lauderdale for 2 years. I was employed at **employer name deleted**. My family and I had a series of events that cost us all our savings. …
NEVER attend an unemployment appeal hearing WITHOUT a representative! Not rated yet
I too just had an appeals hearing. The appealing party was the employer. I was initially granted unemployment compensation after being terminated from …
Can Florida take back unemployment benefits I won a hearing on? Not rated yet
I applied to the state of Florida for unemployment at the end of 2011. I quit my job because of a hostile workplace; also my pay had been reduced. I …
Filing Unemployment if moved from FL to CA????? Not rated yet
I was honorably discharged from the Army back in 2013. I have not been able to find a job, applied numerous places got a few interviews but nothing. I …
Wrongfully Terminated and Hearing Decision Reversed – What Does That Mean Not rated yet
I was fired for supposedly failing a drug test, was denied benefits after my initial application. I appealed the decision and Legal Aid of North Carolina …
Decision reversed by ALJ because employer lied at appeal Not rated yet
My employer didn’t send sufficient evedence to win at first level so I received a favorable decision. Then they appealed the decision lied at hearing and …
Nurse fired after 9 yrs for being falsely accused of verbal abuse Not rated yet
After nine years of satisfactory employment with a company, I was terminated because a mentally retarded patient who is known for making up lies against …
Declined a job offer and my benefits were stopped when I reported it. Not rated yet
I declined a job offer after I learned of the very low salary and getting one weekend off in a 2 month period. I lost my benefits when I sent report to …
Moved to another town after being laid off and had to refuse suitable work because my car broke after I moved Not rated yet
Live in Oklahoma and was laid off and started receiving benefits, but it wasn’t enough to pay bills and take care of myself. So, I moved back home with …

I won my first appeal due to ex employer not able to make the hearing because they were going on vacation. Not rated yet
I was terminated from my job due to misconduct. Stating I violated the social media policy. I had posted a picture of another employees attire on my Facebook …
I Want This CSR to Collect Unemployment Benefits Not rated yet
Do you? This morning I got one of those frequent and annoying emails from LinkedIn the social network where if you want a job, you have to get your …
I quit due to intolerable working conditions Not rated yet
I quit a federal job as a nurse, working conditions were terrible When sick , no matter how sick I was forced to work When I informed my employer I was …
Unemployment Phone Appeal Hearings – Will You Be Credible or Discredited Not rated yet
I was recently approved for benefits, but my employer is now requesting an appeal. My question is regarding the variations to the facts surrounding …
My employer agreed not to fight my unemployment so why did the claim go to an adjudicator? Not rated yet
This a common question a claimant may have, but it usually comes up right before they are denied unemployment benefits and have to decide whether to appeal …
Help, I Quit Due to Hostile Workl Environment Not rated yet
My ex-employer is appealing the unemployment I have previously been granted for the past 1.5 months. Now, tomorrow morning I have to do a call in hearing. …
Can you resign over text? Not rated yet
I had been at my bank teller job for almost ten years. I was basically a customer service manager but just didn’t have the title. I am a senior CSR. …
Original UI application reason for separation -attendance issues Not rated yet
You filed an appeal on 00/00/0000 against Determination ID # 0000000 You may wish to print this screen for your records. If you wish to withdraw your …
Waiting for Appeal Hearing Not rated yet
I would like to know if I have a legimate umemployment case. I have filed an appeal and my hearing is scheduled for October 25, 2012. I am 56 years old …
Fired For Marking Down Dounuts to Buy for Myself Not rated yet
Question: I was fired for marking down donuts. I was just wondering, I got Terminated. I worked in the deli where my deli manager pulled out of date …
Employer caught lying at unemployment hearing. Not rated yet
I quit my job because I was being harmed by the chemicals on the job. I filed for unemployment. when the company was asked they said I was fired for misconduct. …
Hairstylist. Georgia Accident at home almost lost right thumb/scissor hand. Provide employer with every doctor note and return date; 3 different return …
NEVER attend an appeals hearing WITHOUT a representative! Not rated yet
I too just had an appeals hearing. The appealing party was the employer. I was initially granted unemployment compensation after being terminated from …
Left position to care for Ailing family member Not rated yet
I left my position as a cna after working there a little more than a year. I gave verbal and written notice – after trying to switch shifts or take FMLA …
Precedent manuals for the state of Wisconsin. Where do I find them? Not rated yet
I am fully aware of the unemployment issues and the ALJ’ s involvement . You were unable to find a representative in my area, but can you tell me where …
I lost my telephone unemployment hearing Not rated yet
I was told by many that I could represent myself and it would not be hard to do. I lost my case and now don’t know what to do. Is there any chance …
How do I defend myself from an entire family? Not rated yet
I was recently fired from my job at a coffee shop/deli. The owner, when she fired me, gave me no reason for it other than, “Just like in any relationship, …
What happens if someone lies under oath – and is caught doing it – in an unemployment hearing? Not rated yet
An employee – who resigned and admitted she resigned in her original unemployment app – then stated under oath in an appeal hearing that she was fired. …
While receiving DUI benefits and working part time, got fired! Should I have contacted DUI right away? Not rated yet
I have this situation! I was receiving benefits, from the previous employer and was working part time at another place. Got fired as I broke company policies…..too …
My second appeal was submitted today where do I go from here? Not rated yet
I resigned from my collection position on 02/15/12 and I was denied unemployment due to no good reason to resign. I resigned because I stated my employer …
Involuntary quit couldnt go out of town overnight. Not rated yet
Before hired I told the field supervisor, I was a single parent, with a child with asthma, sometimes she requires a nibulator breathing treatments, and …
Fired for alleged fraud, won the initial contestation of benefits, and am in my first appeal with my former employer filing. Not rated yet
Former employer is out of state. They are asserting that my documentation excusing absences for medical reasons are fraudulent, and fired me for this …
How long after an appeal hearing approves you to recieve unemployment does an employer have to appeal a hearing decision? Can they ask for a appeal after one and a half year? Not rated yet
The first time I applied for unemployment benefits I was denied. I appealed and a hearing was scheduled for the next month. I was approved. I …
terminated for falsifying overtime hours Not rated yet
I had a manager meeting in which overtime hours were discussed. I was told in the meeting our budget for overtime hours were zero. I took it to heart letting …
failed drug test but more to it then that. Not rated yet
I failed a drug test. I am on a prescription med for anxiety. I had a bad anxiety attack off work hours and was out of my meds I took a medicine in the …
How to present the closing argument? Not rated yet
How do you word the closing and what is the most important thing to point out at this time? Really? This is your question? If you are able …
Fired for Tardiness had appeal…when will I get the decision? Not rated yet
I was given a verbal warning on 11/15/10. There was a progressive disciplinary ladder starting with a verbal ending at 10 and a suspension. Since my …
I won my hearing in Kentucky.. now my employer is appealling the decision… i havent even recieved my first check? Not rated yet
I took a medical leave from work in July of last year. My leave ran out before my doctor would release me to work. Long story short, I reapplied for my …
How can i win unemployment benefits from a bully willing to lie. Not rated yet
I walked out after 10.5 years with this doctor,fed up with his abuse..He’s a bull dog & a liar…& very legally savvy, but it’s my word against his… …
Are partners in a LLC eligible for unemployment benefits? Not rated yet
I’ve worked for my company for over 10 years. I was only 10% owner and according to my k-1’s they have been fluctuating my ownership stake over the past …
I quit my job which was soon to end in a layoff, due to workplace harassement Not rated yet
I live in Oklahoma and have worked at a job for over 25 years but they will be closing down on Dec 2. In preparation for a new future I have been proactive …
MO 1st appeal-disqualified for misconduct-Not sure how to handle. Not rated yet
I was denied for my unemployment from my employer in MO. Here is the story-Our office has 3 people in it with 3 cash drawers. We do 3 deposits every day …
Employer lies at appeal hearing, Decision for benefits reversed. Appealing the Appeal decision. Not rated yet
I worked for a collection agency as a 3rd party debt collector for a family owned business, the son of the owner was my immediate supervisor.On each account …
Unemployment Appeals Evidence Information Not rated yet
I was fired for misconduct, filed for unemployment, and was granted benefits in late April. In Mid-May my former employer filed for an appeal. The hearing …
Got phone interview got approved but now the employer is appealing my benefits. Not rated yet
Got phone interview got approved but now the employer is appealing my benefits. Well I work 1 month at my previous job I got terminated because …
Mis-spelled name on denial letter good cause for reopening? Not rated yet
Mis-spelled name on denial letter good cause to reopen? My claim was denied back in Sep. 10, and I found another job. My truck broke down, and …
can my Pennsylvania unemployment benefits be revoked Not rated yet
I was fired because I shoplifting while in uniform and driving a company van. initially benefits were approved, now company is fighting it. I cooperated …
Fired for “poor work performance” but company lied on me,.. Not rated yet
Fired for “poor work performance” but company lied on me i worked for a telemarketing company in new jersey, and it was very difficult to grow within …
how do i find a lawyer for an unemployment appeal Not rated yet
how do i find a lawyer for an unemployment appeal Been again denied for an unemployment appeal and need to find a lawyer who a) knows something …
terminated for a failed drug test Not rated yet
I was terminated for a failed drug test, can i receive benefits if i am enrolled in rehab? Hi Greg, Why are you asking me this question? …
what are my chances of winning a PA unemployment appeal Not rated yet
What are my chances of winning a PA unemployment appeal? I was discharged due to ” verbal abuse ,agitation or confusion from client then or later.” …
I won appeal but cant reopen old claim even though it was validated? Not rated yet
I won appeal but cant reopen old claim even though it is an existing claim I recently won my appeal in pa. the first 6 weeks my appeal was pending …
being denied benefits for falsifying date on doctors note Not rated yet
I was out of work for two days. Our employee handwork states doctors note is required after three consecutive days of absence. But my employer told me …
State of Pa Disregard of standards of behavior Not rated yet
I was terminated for taking a part with out permission. There was an unwritten policy where employees may take an item and write it on a piece of paper …
Forced to quit after discovering illegal acts at work Not rated yet
I was forced to quit my job of over five years, after I became aware of illegal acts by my former employer, his partner and employee. Although, I have …
I was recently disqalified, what is the next step Not rated yet
I was recently disqualified in NY for unemployment because I used a tax exempt that was not mine. I did not use the card but other cashiers would search …
Unemployment appeal and the EDD Not rated yet
Unemployment appeal and the EDD I recently voluntarily quit my job in Southern California to move to Northern California. I was engaged at the time …
My former employer lied at the hearing, and unfortunately I lost another appeal. Not rated yet
My former employer lied at the hearing, and unfortunately I lost another appeal. First off, let me explain my protest and …
asked to quit in ohio then fired Not rated yet
I have been with the company for more than 6 years with 5 of them in management. Recently I was approached by my district manager and was asked to quit …
So this is my defense, i have my court case tomorrow! Not rated yet
So this is my defense, i have my court case tomorrow! I have my hearing tomorrow for unemployment. I worked at a bank for 14 months and was in good …
I ask the manager permission to leave because i had an emergency next day I got fired, how can i proof that i ask for permission ? Not rated yet
I had an emergency at 3:00pm on a wednesday, I was crying and nervous, I went to the manager and ask her if I could leave because I had a personal problem, …
can i be denied benefits on a new claim stating i quit my job that on my old claim it was determined I didnt Not rated yet
I was laid off in april due to lack of work at a security job, one per shift got laid off. Applied for unemployment and was accepted. 2 weeks later I had …
medically unable for full time work Not rated yet
how does one get around medically unable to work the state is saying my doctor says that I have sever anxiety and should not be working. I am a physician …
what can I expect from a hearing for whether employer’s request for relief from charges was filed within prescribed period? Not rated yet
I am not sure what to prepare. I have already been found to be eligible for benefits. What exactly is being appealed in this type of case? Hi, …
What to do if I miss my first unemployment hearing? Not rated yet
What to do if I miss my first unemployment hearing? Actually, my son missed his first unemployment hearing in court. When he asked the person in …
fired for a separate incident Not rated yet
I was written up on a final aug 12 for cursing in call center floor and making rude comments about my superiors.. I had requested days off and kept getting …
remand to appeal referee/criminal case pending in florida state court Not rated yet
remand to appeal referee/criminal case pending in Florida state court Can both go on at the same time? OMG! I’m bothering to answer you …
Notice of claim filed was returned late. Not rated yet
Once the employee files a claim for benefits, a Notice of the Claim is sent by IDES to the claimant’s last employing unit. The employer’s “experience rating” …
Do unemployment appeal hearings ever go in favor of the employee? Not rated yet
Do unemployment appeal hearings ever go in favor of the employee? I appealed my denied unemployment benefits. Do the appeals come out in the favor …
I need to reschedule my appeal date. I will be more than 50 miles away. Is a phone interview ok Not rated yet
I will be more than 50 miles away for a job interview the date of my appeal. is that going to be a problem if I notify ED Hi, It shouldn’t be …
general unemployment appeal question about quitting due to being bullied. Not rated yet
I was being harassed and verbally attacked on several occasions by a co-worker who was known as an office bully. I complained to my manager who did nothing …
Will employer win appeal of prior Hearing Officer ruling no misconduct for violating law firm policy = alleged misconduct? Not rated yet
Nevada Hearing Officer ruled in my favor, prior employer (law firm) appealed to Referee alleging misconduct for handling criminal case, my at-will contract …
I was disqualified for unemployment for misconduct Not rated yet
i had permission from second charge nurse to go the store the first supervisor did not she gave me permission until she went looking for but she still …
Steps to appeal Board of Review decision Not rated yet
I live in Cobb County, GA and was discharged from my job. Initially, I was denied UE benefits,but after appealing, I won. My ex-employer then appealed …
Idaho Unemployment Appeal Hearing Not rated yet
Not sure, I am really scared. I quit my job, walked out, because I could no longer take the owners methods of doing business. The owner could be called …
Denied unemployment from my job and not the unemployment agency Not rated yet
I was denied unemployment not from the state, but my job, after taking off of work due to pregnancy. That may be your perception, but an employer …
second appeal Not rated yet
how and why should I file an second appeal for unemployment benefits if I was disqualified? Hi, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and …
how do i word my appeal letter Not rated yet
I was denied my unemployment because they said I voluntarily resigned from my job for personal reasons, my reason was they drop my full-time to part-time …
Will I have any problems getting my money? Not rated yet
I applied for unemployment benefits on September 12th, denied because employer was claiming misconduct as the reason I was fired. I appealed and won because …
Denial of UI and should I appeal? Not rated yet
Question about denial of unemployment and if I should appeal I quit my job after the duties changed. I was to coach a program I did not feel I was qualified …
multi-store manager Not rated yet
A new district mgr. took over 24 stores i managed two of those stores. one store had a high theft rate which i complained to management about, and ask …
The Administrative Law Judge decision I did not establsih “good cause” for filing a late protest Not rated yet
The Administrative Law Judge decision I did not establsih “good cause” for filing a late protest. Where and how should I appeal the ALJ? I tried to proof …
Can I win my NC unemployment appeal if employer has no proof Not rated yet
My unemployment appeal is in NC. When I got fired I asked my employer several times why and he said personality conflicts. I have never gotten in to …
appeal for overpayment Not rated yet
The decision was reversed does that mean i won the case? Hi Rosa, If it was you that appealed that’s what I would assume.
the claiment does not have transportation with which to secure employment. Not rated yet
When I was hired,they new I was getting to work by bicycle,and that I was trying to save money to get my licence back.can they get away with this. …
Signed resignation letter, can I win appeal? Not rated yet
Hello, This is a very long/complicated story. On July 23rd, 2010, I submitted my two week notice to my employer A. They asked me to submit it via email, …
Discharged for misconduct and for violation of a company policy. Not rated yet
I was terminated for violating a company rule at a hospital. I looked at my own medical record, my sons medical record and a friends with their permission. …
My boss lied to the unemployment referee Not rated yet
I was denied unemployment my boss said that I had quit, I did not quit he told me to leave now and get out,after a verbal disagreement we I was …
Fired for insulting my manager and “insubordination” ??? Not rated yet
Hello: I need some advice and I’ll try to make this short: I use to work as a sales person and my day off was Sunday & Monday and as an usual sales …
reversed decision payment date Not rated yet
hello my name is nikki, i had an appeal on 8/30 and i won. The decision was reversed in my favor. the mailing date was 9/1 and i still haven’t recieved …
How long does it take the Florida UAC to review your appeal Not rated yet
I had an unemployment hearing on 4/27/10 (I was fired) my employer stated I was not. I had filed a complaint with the EEOC in May of 2009 for discrimination …
I’ll tell you chris, what happened to me at my hearing. Not rated yet
i filed for unemployment on april 23,2010 .on the claim form i told the truth that i had to take time off for various medical reasons and was not fulfilling …
Late appeals/new alligations submitted by employer is this leagal? Not rated yet
I was fired, when unemployment asked why, i told them i wasnt givin a reason,other than my supervisor didnt like me, when they asked my employer she wouldnt …
I won my appeal hearing, What are the odds my employer will win its appeal to this decision? Not rated yet
I was initially denied benefits in North Carolina because I was fired. I appealed and had the telephone hearing with the hearing officer, HR manager and …
Do I stand a chance winning my appeal for UI benefits? Not rated yet
I’m twenty years old and was previously extremely naive. When I’m done you will see why. I have worked in the wireless industry since I just turned 18 …
Why do i have to pay overpayment ? When in fact i won the Fraud Case Not rated yet
I have a case in which unemployment said i committed fraud , I appealed an won . Now I have to pay overpayment can I fight this an win? I all ready given …
Why do i have to pay overpayment ? When in fact i won the Fraud Case Not rated yet
I have a case in which unemployment said i commited fraud , I appealled an won .Now I have to pay overpayment can I fight this an win? I all ready given …
Fired wrongfully, denied benefits now appealing Not rated yet
Here is my story, I was text messaged to meet my manager at starbucks before my monday afternoon shift. Met her and she presented me with a paper stating …
can cursing keep you from getting unemployment benefits? Not rated yet
i was fired from my job for saying damn at work, but in the paper they sent me telling me i wasnt getting my benefits, they said it was because i told …
I recvd unemployment for 99 weeks, i was layed off from my job in April 2008.Now they are claiming that I was fired and not layed off. Not rated yet
I recvd unemployment for 99 weeks, i was layed off from my job in April 2008. Towards the end of last year, my former employer decided to appeal me getting …
Employer trying to contest benefits after I already received 6 months Not rated yet
I need to know what I need to do in my situation. My supervisor and I had a discussion in late November about being laid off at the end of the year. She …
misconduct appeal Not rated yet
Was at work and was hearing tons of rumors that my partner at the time was having relations with one of my co-workers. I ask the young lady if we could …
if i was on suspension for a positive drug test, came back and there was no work Not rated yet
i was put on suspension when i came back it was slow so i told edd this but a year after ive gotten unemployment 34164 is what i owe them now my old employer …
Lost my first appeal, do I stand a chance at winning a second? Not rated yet
I filed for unemployment after being with a company for 1 1/2 years and was denied. The letter sent to me stated: “You did not meet the established job …
What if i was denied benefits by the state and not my employer? Not rated yet
i was denied benefits by the state, not my previous employer. I gave my two weeks notice to start school but was fired before my two weeks notice was up. …
If my employer didnt show up at my unemployment hearing, will I win? Not rated yet
If my employer postponed the first hearing and the didn’t show up for the second hearing will I win my unemployment appeal case? Hi Steve, …
Discharged because front office was going in different direction?? Not rated yet
I worked for a company that was located 8 miles from my home. Owner sold buiness and moved it 45 miles from my home. I was offered a position with new …
Help with my appeal hearing. Not rated yet
Hi, I have a hearing upcoming in which I have appealed my initial denial. According to the documents my employer turned in to the ESC, I was fired …
Unemployment Qualifications and Clarifications Not rated yet
My husband is currently active duty US Military. We received relocation orders to a different state. I filed for unemployment in FL and was awarded benefits, …
Do i qualify for unemployment insurance please see my appeal sent to edd Not rated yet
Employment Development Department July 06, 2010 Re: Notice of Determination. I disagree with the departmental …
Legal Representation At An Unemployment Hearing. Not rated yet
I was recently notified that my ex-employer is contesting my right to unemployment benefits. The hearing is only 6 full business days from when i received …
How much notice is required of an appeals hearing? Not rated yet
I received a notice in the mail on the afternoon of June 21st saying my ex-employer was appealing my right to benefits. The date listed for the hearing …
My empkoyer put i voluntarily quit when I was actually fired Not rated yet
I worked at directv for 3 years. And until the day I was fired I thought i was a great csr. I was told that i had to go to HR. And that whole week they …
benifits denied because Im in school? Not rated yet
Im already in school,for 3mos. I got denied benefits. They are trying to take my truck for lack of payment. What do I do? I don’t know Steven. …
Fired for excessive tardiness Not rated yet
I am appealing denial for UC. My former employer stated I was fired for excessive tardiness. I have worked there since September and the first time I was …
I worked for my previous employer 7 yrs in florida I was sent a text message and fired but never was written up. Can i still get unemployment ? Not rated yet
I was fired by a text message at 10:00 the night before stating I wasn’t doing my part and making everyones elses job harder. I’ve never been written up …
If an employee who left her employer due to hardships and received denial of benefits in the conference hearing, is there a possiblity to write a written review and get this decision overturned? Not rated yet
My name is Diane Stelly and I live in Orlando, Fla. I voluntarily left my employer in December and attempted to collect unemployment… I was putting …
What may they ask me about a late appeal filed that was not my fault? Not rated yet
I have a hearing based on a late appeal I filed, because I never received the referee’s decision, the UC center, told me 3 times they had nothing on it. …
Hurt on job..terminated…denied UI Not rated yet
I was injured at work, admitted to the hospital, placed on personal leave, and then termed when I was released to light duty. My employer stated..Left …
refused to hear my case Not rated yet
I live in Pa. and was informed by the unemployment office that they did not recieved my appeal on time.Unfortunately I mailed it from my own box ,regular …
My co worker and I were both laid off from the same job on the same day and even filed our initial claim from the same computer. He was recently awarded …
denied unemployment waiting on appeal Not rated yet
i was fired on nov20th 2009 i had an employee step on my foot and i was accused of pushing her the don had two employees write up statements that were …
Doesn’t the employer only have 20 days to appeal an ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION? Not rated yet
Hi, I’m in Oregon. I received a “Administrative Decision – Benefits are Allowed” dated Jan21st. I have been collecting unemployment ever since, but on …
Denied in New Jersey full time student Not rated yet
Hi I have been denied UI in NJ. I was on UI and then decided to go to school after receiving a letter sent to me from UI saying Obama urges school and …
Evidence Guidelines for a Letter of Appeal in CA Not rated yet
Hi Chris, Thank you for all the information you have provided on this website. I have found it to be extremely helpful, especially many of the links …
Any help would help Not rated yet
I was fired from a company in Ky. I woke up late one morning and text the manager in charge. She told me to stay at home for the day. Later that evening …
what are my chances of winning my appeal in nj? Not rated yet
My appeal is coming up next week and i am worried because i want to express to the examiner that i did leave my job but only because my wife and i have …
How do I go about filing an appeal that says I quit a job because it was not “suitable” work? Not rated yet
I’ve been collection unemployment since Nov 2008 to Dec 2008.I had applied for a job delivering the yellow pages located 1 hr from house.I only made $53 …
Do i need a lawyer? Not rated yet
I worked for a mom and pop business for 3 years. after the first year the owners bought a home and i rented it from them. The home was bought with the …
I quit my job for reasons that benefitted me. Not rated yet
In June 09 my boss was transferred, we got the worst manager in our district. He was degrading to the majority of workers, he belittled myself like I …
Nj unemployment appeals found I voluntarily left work. Not rated yet
I was receiving unemployment when my previous employer appealed the decision. A hearing was scheduled that I couldn’t be there for. I called the examiner …
Denied unemployment benefits by the employer after receiving 6 months of unemployment payments. Not rated yet
After being unemployed for serveral months I was hired in 09/08 by a staffing agency and was laid off on Thanksgiving of 2008. I then applied for unemployment …
appealing a referee’s decision after the deadline Not rated yet
I recently received a decision that I was ineligible for benefits in Pa. after my first appeal hearing. The lawyer that represented me never got back to …
How can I fight a denial of unemployment when I have NO idea why I was denied? Florida Not rated yet
I was let go from my job after 6 years of employment with the reason given that we were going on different paths. I was thanked for being an excellent …
Once you begin collecting unemployment payments in NY can the past employer deny your claim? Not rated yet
I have just starting getting unemployment and I’m nervous that my last employer may try to deny my claim. Can I assume that since I’m getting payments …
wanting to appeal the decision made by Appeal Tribunal in the state of Missouri Not rated yet
Both decisions so far have sided with the employer. He admits that he gave me permission to obtain some scrap items for personal use While scraping out …
Is preselling a game a day early a reason for dismissal Not rated yet
I presold a game a day early at a video store and was fired. Selling of the game was strictly by accident and i can’t remember doing it. The presell …
employer filed an appeal in PA Not rated yet
I was fired after 13 years with reason being attendance.I have an approved FMLA condition but had used my 1250 hours.There is a progressive attendance …
Denied partial unemployment in Kentucky due to not being available for work Not rated yet
I live in the state of Kentucky. I have been working at Hardees for a little bit over a year. The whole time I was in school my manger was giving me a …
unemployment in massachusetts Not rated yet
i need help with unemployment benefit appeal. I went to my appeal this friday. I was so nervous that i think i really messed up. I was was fired from …
I live in pa what should I write to appeal my determination letter Not rated yet
I filed unemployment and I was denied but I am late on my appeal because I never got it, but they sent me a new one. I was fired for not following rules/and …
Inappropriate pictures supposedly seen AND exceeding orientation time….california Not rated yet
I started a job 7 months ago that is something I had NO expierence in what-so-ever. They knew this upon hiring me and knew they would have to extensively …
You are not entitled to benefits……untill you return to work in covered employment and earn… Not rated yet
This statement by the adjudicator in regards to my case. Does this mean their is no point in an appeal on my part, because to much time has elapsed? …
Filed an appeal for misconduct in NJ Not rated yet
I was terminated for a cleaning solution that had been left out on my cart, I never had a written warning and there also was other employees who had access …
Is it hard to fight appeals for ” because you broke a reasonable rule” Not rated yet
I live in California- I just recieve the notice of determination stating i am disqualified because i broke a reasonable rule. Is it hard to fight this …
I have proof that my supervisor set me up to get fired-how do i bring this up in appeals? Not rated yet
I was terminated for violating an employer rule. I had explained to the HR that I was not aware that I could not go into a file drawer. I had a witness …
Can I collect unemployment if I have been fired for willful misconduct? Not rated yet
I worked at a call center. They had came out with a policy I believe around 5/21/09 that anybody making derogatory comments or disrespectful comments about …
I was a working student who was laid off and now subsequently denied UI because of my school schedule. Not rated yet
I attended school and worked a 30-hour a week job. I was fired due to underperformance. After filing for UI in California it was determined that I wasn’t …
What does it mean if the employer doesn’t show up for the unemployment hearing. Not rated yet
I just had an appeal hearing because I was denied unemployment and I appealed it. My employer did not show up, does this usually mean I will get the denial …
Employer told me they would not fight my filing for UC but the state determined me ineligible. Not rated yet
My job started as a temp and the company hired me full time about six months later. When hired, I was the first company hire for that position as it was …
Fired-violation of company rules and policies. Not rated yet
On May 5, 2009 I was scheduled to drive to TX, (two hours away) at approximately 6:45 A.M. I called my immediate supervisor () to inform him that I wasn’t …
State of Georgia, denied unemployment benefits, due to quiting a job Not rated yet
My husband quit his job, he thought for a just cause, his supervisor had harassed him on several different occasions, however was never documented with …
I quit my second to last job and was laid off from my last job Not rated yet
I resigned from my long time job of 8 years due to growing concerns for my safety. After leaving this job seven months later i found a new job but was …
overpayed Not rated yet
my name is linda grayer, i was layed off from my job on 12/21/08 i filed for unemployment on 12/22/08, I was denied because of holiday pay christmas, new …
stating i walked out Not rated yet
they are stating i walked out of my job after stating i was on suspension. this is not what happened they called me into the office and stated i was suspended …
Illinois Not rated yet
I was hired for a customer service/admin assistant postion at a company in January 2009. I was told at the time of my training by my immediate supervisor’s …
What are the Texas Unemployment Appeal Laws Not rated yet
What are the Texas unemployment appeal laws? Here, here, and here. Chris
Denied access to unemployment Not rated yet
I was laid off in March 08 and collected unemployment for 26 weeks plus 13 weeks extension. I have been seeking employment diligently! I have even moved …
Denial of appeal, where do we go now? Not rated yet
My boyfriend was recently denied unemployment benefits after his phone interview with EDD, and I am hoping to find some information on his qualifications …
The claimant quit to accept work elsewhere.//Florida Not rated yet
I was laid off from a job I had worked for 4 yrs in July 2008.I was approved for unemployment. I accepted a lower paying job in Aug 2008 and worked 5 mos …
Fired for obscene and insulting language toward employer – Not rated yet
“I lost my job from Trader Joe’s because I used obscene and/or insulting language towards my supervisor or employer. ” I did not use it “towards” or “directly” …
Left work without good cause – Maryland Not rated yet
I was forced to leave my job not at my will. My new supervisor (27 year younger) that took over about 10 months ago and her goal was to get rid of me. …
How do I appeal a ruling of misconduct in NY State? Not rated yet
I was recently fired from a job that I held for 6 years. I was told that my “programming numbers are down” and they “are letting me go.” The assistant …
Denied California unemployment – Too many reasons for quitting Not rated yet
I was denied unemployment under code 1256. “Statement of: You quit your last job because of health reasons. You did not request lighter work or explore …
Fired for accessing a restricted website and denied unemployment in Minnisota Not rated yet
I was at work and it was at a time where I was waiting to receive work and had some downtime. I don’t know why i did it, but I went onto a x-rated website …
Filing weekly claims or certifying for contnued unemployment benefits. Not rated yet
I held a high level position with a company with good benefits. The first few months were smooth and I was complemented how how good I was and that I …
Can I still appeal a determination denying unemployment after serving the disqualification to get the weeks I wasn’t paid? Not rated yet
I was denied the 1st 6 weeks of my unemployment benefits due to misconduct. The employer is saying that I didn’t call in to work (on days I was sick) …
Needing to write an unemployment appeal letter – Kansas Not rated yet
I had relocate my Family to Texas from Kansas due to my spouse becoming a Veteran. We had relocated in Aug 2008. I had applied for unemployment since …
I was denied unemployment because the paystubs submitted as proof of earning were outside the base period. Not rated yet
I was denied unemployment because the pay stubs I submitted as proof of earnings are dated in July of 2008 which is outside the base period of my …
I was denied because we sent appeal to late . Not rated yet
I was injured on the job and when the doctor okayed my return the employer said there was no work for me. I have been trying to claim unemployment benefits …