by Lalalla
I was just interested in knowing if I work a part time job will it take my weeky benifits away?? If not what are the limit to hours I can work before it starts to have an effect..? Thank you.
Hi Lalalla,
It depends on how much you earn. The source I use to find the answer to this question by state is at the USDOL: Click the current year then go to “monetary eligibility – Table 3-8.
Florida defines partial unemployment as any week in which you work less than full-time and earn less than your established weekly benefit amount.
If you are partially unemployed the State of Florida will first disregard earnings equaling 8 times the federal minimum wage (presently 6.55 and 7.25 effective 7-24-09). Earning in excess of this amount will cause your benefit amount to be reduced dollar for dollar.
Be aware that you cannot “limit” your hours of availability for work in Florida if you are working less than full-time. This would create an issue of whether you are able and available for work.
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