by andy
(martin city, mt)
Safer and more suitable job more money.
Please tell me Andy can’t really think this is enough information or sufficient a question, for me to answer one, let alone two questions about suitable work.
But, if I were to venture a guess, I’d say you would be denied on the quitting to accept “safer” work. Clearly, you left me clueless about the unsafe conditions or the efforts you made (maybe are making) to prove the work is unsafe illegally, or just to you for some health reason which would be a different reason for a job not falling under the criteria of suitable work, but still subject to still making a quit attributable to the former employer by asking for work accommodations.
As for the reason having to do with getting a better wage? .. Ahh, did you give your former unsafe employer a chance to meet that better offer?
It seems almost like a useless question to ask because if you did accept a job for more money it’s still the last separation that controls a claim eligibility .. and more money would also make you NOT unemployed.
Additionally, Montana does not have s provision in law that makes an exception to a quit needing to be attributed to the work, or employer for accepting another job .. at least per the ETA Chartbooks
And just think .. I thought when I turned on a few question invitations .. I would finally of learned to be more disciplined about what questions I’d answer.
Problem is .. some of us just never do learn better.