by Anonymous
I have been a full time employee for a company for 4.5 years never been absent and never any write ups or any issues concerning my job, and the area manager I had left and now they want to get rid of all the people who was under his supervision even if they haven’t ever had any problems, now i have the feeling they want to get rid of me and dropped my hours to 36 and don’t know if it will continue dropping, so my question is if I feel uncomfortable and persecuted at work would I be eligible for unemployment or would they match my hours to 40?
Uncomfortable? Persecuted? Can you prove that the employer is trying to get rid of the employees who worked under the former area supervisor?
A reduction in hours from 40 to 36 would not be good cause and it isn’t enough for partial unemployment benefits.
You need to document and either read or go back and read what I have to say with regard to why people don’t get unemployment when they quit.